''First, I don't sound like that and Second, I can't say all, all that you just said and Last, I think I acted my part good,even perfect'' He said with a smug look.

''You totally sound Like that and you also sound  like this too,listen'' I cleared my throat and started,trying to make my voice deeper and like Jason's. '' Hey love, I don't like when you call me Jason,my name is Jay. Only Jay,okay?'' I grunted a little like how Jason would do it, but from the way Jason has been laughing since,I'm getting it all wrong.

He tried holding his laughter to speak and wiping tears off his eyes. ''I do NOT sound like that. Ever. But I know you sound this way. 'For the hundredth time Jay,pick up your jacket' and another one. 'You put your clothes into the hamper and not on the floor''' He said,making his voice squeaky as if to mimic me.

I totally do not and never sound like that.

I was laughing  so bad when he finished and Jason joined in the laughter. I like this 'playful version' of me and Jason.

We finally stopped laughing and Jason pulled me closer to him.

''On a serious note, I'm grateful that you planned or tried to plan a surprise for me. I'm happy love. Very happy, you made me a happy man. Before, I was very angry at everything, even myself. I couldn't even associate with my pack. Then you came along and,and brightened everywhere. I don't even know how and when you made my relationship with the pack stronger. The kids play with me these days without looking like I'd scream at them. Pack members talk to me freely,all because of you. I'm grateful,love'' Jason concluded.


I didn't know I was crying till Jason wiped it away with a paranoid look on his face.

''I didn't say anything mean,did I?''

I swatted him gently '' Of course you didn't. You were just so-so sweet'' I said laughing gently.

Jason grimaced when I called him sweet and mumbled 'not sweet but manly'. He hugged me deeper and I buried my face into his chest,content.


I walked with a skip as I greeted people I passed by. Hmm! Wonderful day,beautiful weather! Not really,it was raining, but at this moment 'I don't care'. Even if an earthquake wants to happen right now, it won't spoil my happy mood.

I finally mated with Jason. Yaaaaaay!

I hummed and tried whistling,but it sounded so awful so I stopped. I didn't know the tune I was humming,but it was sure a happy one.

Nothing and I mean nothing will spoil my mood today.

''Ow'' I shouted as I bumped into someone and fell on the ground. I spoke too soon. I looked up to see the person and met with an unfamiliar face. I've been in this pack for more than five months and I haven't seen this face before.

''I'm sorry,Luna'' The guy said,helping me up. I winced as he gripped me hard,but no problem it was not intentional. He was just helping me up.

I removed myself from his grip and moved back.

''No problem. Sorry,who are you?'' I  asked, tilting my head to the side.

''Um, I'm Sean. Sharon's brother. I came to visit my family'' His eyes glinting.

Uh! Is it only me or is how he said 'family' unusual?

I moved back a little and bumped into Derek. Trust Jason not to let me go without guards. I was even surprised he allowed me to leave with what has been going on.

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