Operation 4-5: Trust

Start from the beginning

"Lana, you have something to say to me right." He lays it out. 

"I-I do... I-It's just, overwhelming to have you back Vortex-sam-"

"Y/N." He cuts her off with his name. "No more formalities now. Just call me Y/N."

"N-No, I can't just simply change the way I address you... I guess... Y/N-sama will do."

"Well alright." He smiles at her.

Seeing that smile of his was entirely new to the woman. She was so used to the mask he wore when he was giving praises, but without the mask was an entirely new sight. But, it wasn't bad, in fact, it felt blissful.

The blissful feeling she missed was back.

"Do you mind calling in the rest of the guys?" He asks. "I know that I have to answer all your questions at some point. Better have it out of the way already before Leader sends us out on an operation after she knows that I'm feeling better."

"Alright." Lana nods her head and heads for the door, seemingly to get the other guys.

"Lana!" Vortex calls out to her, so she looks back.

"What is it Y/N-sama?"

"...I miss you."

Those words couldn't have run deeper when she heard them from his mouth. The emotions swelling within her were raging on to reciprocate with words. But Lana decided against it and merely left the room as she curses at herself for not replying to him.

"...not now... his health comes first." Was what she uttered as a reason for it.




After hearing that their leader was awake, all of them instantly dropped what they were doing and followed Lana back to the room Vortex was at. Opening the door with anxious feelings, they come face to face with their leader who was in the middle of unwrapping his head gauze.

"Vortex-sama?!" They rush into the room perturbed by his actions.

"Don't worry, the bleeding's stopped and the pain isn't that throbbing." He assured them.

What came after was an awkward silence as they all look at the man on the bed who was staring intently at each one of them. Vortex was giving them a very serious look, and you can't even discern if he actually missed seeing their faces.


It wasn't until Hina who decided to walk toward her supposed father did their tensions die down.

"Heh, you grew up these past six years..." He rubbed the top of her head before looking back at the other five. "Same goes to all of you, same old face only looking older cause of time."

His laid-back tone, eased them up some more, inclining them to speak out.

"I can't say the same to you, Vortex-sama. It's the first time we ever saw your face." Nino chimed in.

"Well, I had my reasons. And my face really isn't what you're after, right Nino?" He coyed back.

"Y-Yeah." She avoids his gaze. 

"Vortex-sama! Without the mask, you actually look hot!" Ami commented.

"Looks manly as well, got a face of a model with you huh kid, HA!" The old Garu made fun of him.

"As if old man. Although I do thank the compliment you two." He chuckled as well.

"Vortex-sama, I think we have other pressing matters to confront with." Lireo got all their attention. 

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