Chapter 11 ( the real chapter 11 lol )

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Your POV :

I can't believe Jeff said that, Jeez, what an ass! I continue to burn off my steam as I walk over to the art room, where I am assigned to sit next to Ben's friend, Helen. ( Okay, quick question, is it helen, or helene? Because I've seen people write it both ways, anyway, on to the story! ) He turns to me and nods, then turns his attention to the front of the classroom. The art teacher, Mrs. Witherspoon is one of my favorite teachers, with her curly reddish hair, she honestly looks like she could be in a magazine, not to mention the fact that she's one of the only teachers that can respect creativity! " Okay class, today we will be working on our human drawing skills!" Aw man, I suck at drawing people. " You will be working with the person you are closest to!" You turn to see Helen, he raises his eyebrows as if to say Guess that means us? You give him a nod and turn back to Mrs. Witherspoon. " I want you all to start with the head of the sketch, and move down to their shoulders, we won't be doing full body drawings, just from the shoulders up." You flash Helen a nervous smile. He raises his eyebrows again, but gives you a small smile back nonetheless. You begin to sketch out the basic face shape, move onto his deep blue eyes, then his mouth, framing it with the small smile you've seen only twice, drawing his hair, nose, and eyebrows, and finally moving onto his blue jacket. Neither of you speak, concentrating on trying to get the most realistic sketch you can get. When the hour is up, you're instructed to show each other your work. You turned your sketch in order for him to see it. He gives you a small thumbs up, and he shows you his. It's a masterpiece, simply amazing! He got every detail on your face, even things that you didn't notice you had! You just stare for a few minutes, before Helen pokes you in the arm, telling you it's time to go. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, sooooo...

~ Time Skip ~

After school, you walk home, ignoring Carson, who keeps calling you "Disorder". You throw your stuff on the floor of your room, and flop down on your bed, when you get a text from that unknown number.

Unknown : How was school?~

You : Okay, seriously, who the hell are you?

Unknown : How about we make a deal?

You : What kind of deal?

Unknown : If you can successfully complete the tasks I assign you for the next 26 days, I'll tell you my identity?

You : And if I don't complete the so-called "tasks"?

Unknown : Well then, I guess you'll never know who I am ~

You : ... Fine, We have a deal

Unknown : Okay, cool, your first task is to sleep early, you need more sleep my little gamer girl ~

You : Fine... whatever

And with that, you go down and get a snack, then watch TV until 8, when you decide to complete the strangers task, one thought racing through your mind.

Why the hell are they doing this, and how did they know I wasn't getting enough sleep?

There you have it my little birdies, chapter 11, the real chapter 11 that is! So sorry for any confusion that might have caused, anyway, hope you all have a great day!

- Talon

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