Chapter 8

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Your POV :

My ankle really hurts, I don't know if I can stand... What do I do? " H-hey ( y/n ), are you okay?" " Y-yeah I'm fine!" Ben looks at your ankle. " Can you move it?" You attempt to move it, and it slowly moves, not much, but it moves. He grabs your hand and helps pull you up, letting you lean on him for support. " Oh yeah, TRY ME MOTHERFUCKER!" You both look over to see A boy with black hair and Carson getting ready to fight. You honestly don't want the boy to end up getting hurt, because you see that he's a friend of Ben. " H-hey, leave him, he's n-not worth it." Why the hell did I stutter!? Probably because they scare you, dumbass. The boy with black hair looks over at you. " Fine, but only because it seems that you're Ben's friend." He lets go of Carson's t - shirt, and he falls to the ground. " You got damn lucky disorder, do you hear me !? lucky." He walks out of the cafeteria, with his gang following behind him. Ben guides you to an unoccupied table, where Layla, and a few others who you assume are Ben's friends. " OMG ( y/n ), did you see that!? The new kids, like totally stood up for you, and he was like BAM, and you were like HUH, and he was like NOT TODAY, and then you were all like-" " Layla, shut the fuck up." " Oh come on ( y/n )~ it was so epic!" You sigh as you pull out ( fav food ) and start eating. Layla turns to talk to Jeff, basically fangirling over his "bravery". You chuckle and turn to face Ben. " Thanks for standing up for me back there." He gives you a smile and puts his hand on your shoulder. " It's not a problem, after all, who wouldn't help a cutie like you~?" You blush a little and playfully shove him. " Don't talk like that, you perv." He dramatically gasps. " How could you say something like that?" A boy with brown hair and freckles clears his throat. " S-so, wh-o is this?" Ben clears his throat. " This is ( y/n ), she's my friend, ( y/n ), this is Toby, Jeff, Liu, and Helen." He points at each of the males and you smile. The boy named Helen pulls out his sketchbook and starts to draw. You beam at him. " You have a sketchbook? Cool, I do too!"

So, chapter 8's done! Please, if you guys have any ideas on how to drive the plot further, or even if you want me to add any characters in, please comment them down below!

- Talon

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