Chapter 30

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It's been a couple days now, and I'm avoiding Jimin. He did seem a little bothered by it at first and now he doesn't seem to care. I kind of feel bad now, but I guess he knows how I felt when he acted cold towards me. Really I just needed a break for Jimin being all clingy.

Today we were going sightseeing. Unfortunately, I only had my phone camera to use instead of a real camera. But, it still worked pretty well. Taehyung, Olivia, Jimin and I were going to a nearby waterfall that is a popular place in Canada called Niagara Falls.

Early in the morning, we all got up and got ready for the trip. It was a 20 minute drive from the mansion house to Niagara Falls. Once we arrived, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. It was also huge, a lot bigger than I had anticipated.

I got out of the car almost immediately and ran to the fence that blocked off the public from falling into the deep waters. I took out my phone and took many photos of the pretty sight. I sent them to my father, hoping to lighten his mood and get his mind off of work. Work had always stressed him out, but I knew he loved scenery, so I thought this could help him.

Jimin and Taehyung eventually got out of the car a little slow, after Olivia and I did. They didnt seem as excited as Olivia and I were about the waterfall. Jimin looked really bored, he was tapping his foot looking around the sky. His camera was attached to a strap around his neck. He didnt use it at all, or even come close to touching it. So, I decided to ask if I could use it myself.

"Jimin can I borrow your camera?" I asked walking in front of him. He just stared off into space next to me, completely ignoring me. I see now, he's ignoring me because I was ignoring him. "I'll take that as a yes." With that I took his camera and shot many photos of the waterfall. I gave it back to him after I was finished and walked off, leaving him dumbfounded.

I found Taehyung and Olivia laughing and having fun. They were talking about something for sure, but they just seemed so happy. I always wondered how many other people have perfect relationships, when my relationships have always ended up bad.

I finally looked away from them and back at the waterfall. I was in deep thoughts and stared at it for hours, without knowing. Eventually, Taehyung snapped me back to reality by talking. "Y/N you ready to go?" He asked. "Oh yeah." I said finally taking my eyes off the waterfall. "Alright. Our last day in Canada is complete." He said. I was happy to go back home finally, I can sleep in my bed again.

Once we finally got back home after a long flight back, I ran up to my room to find my cat. Don't worry, my dad was feeding her while I was gone. Once I found her sleeping peacefully on my bed, I slowly layed down next to her and gently dug my face into her fur.

The next morning, Jimin told me that me and some other people at the office were going to a school to talk about what we do to kids. It's not a fun thing really saying that I'm a dietitian, and there's not that much to explain besides making food for people. He told us it was going to be like going back to elementary school life, eating in the cafeteria with the kids, we even get the gym to ourselves for an hour. I thought we were maybe going to play with the kids in the gym, but we have it for ourselves for an entire hour! I'm actually really excited to go.

Once we all were ready to go and all packed, we set off to the elementary school. When we arrived, there were a ton of kids waiting outside for us. I never thought they would be so interested in knowing about Park's Company jobs. I mean to me there isn't much to it, but young kids have wild imaginations so they think of it as really fun.

I said hello to the adorable kids. They all were so cute and so kind to all of us. They had the cutest faces and were so excited about everything. After a few minutes of meeting a couple kids, the teacher directed them inside. We followed to the classroom and stood near the front. I explained first the dietitian job, I was surprised how impressed the kids were. I would've never thought that kids would be so curious about making food for people. I'm basically a lunch lady if you think of it from their perspective.

After we all introduced ourselves and how we did our jobs, we all split off and helped some kids do a crafting project. The project was basically drawing whatever they wanted. I sat down with a girl and two boys who were sitting together and all making a dragon with zombies. I had met them earlier and they were the most curious out of the class about my job. Their names were Caleb, Christina, and Corey. It turns out they were triplets. I don't know how I didn't recognize their similar facial features before, but now that I know I can definitely see they are related.

It was lunch time and I sat at a table with the same three kids. They told me all about the lunch their mother had packed them. I was surprised how much food they had. They had two turkey sandwiches, 2 pickles, a salad, an orange, some crackers and 2 cookies to top it off each. Their mother must work very hard to make their lunches in time before they go to school.

Christina was kind enough to offer me a cookie. I denied wanting her to eat it herself, but she insisted on giving it to me so I just ate the cookie. I looked around the cafeteria to see Jimin sitting with two kids and the other people sitting with many as well. Jimin was laughing with two boys. I never saw how beautiful his smile was until now.

I got lost in his beauty and stared at him for many minutes until he finally spotted me. I looked away embarrassed and looked at the kids. "Are you okay?" Christina asked. "Oh yes I'm sorry I was just spacing out." I explained. "Are you sure because I thought you were staring at that man over there." She pointed to Jimin. "Why do you think that?" I asked curious. "Well, you looked at him and he looked back at you." She explained. "Oh. Come on hurry and finished your lunch before recess starts." I said trying to change the topic.

When the kids had recess, we went outside with them. All of the people from the office stuck with the same kids they've been with the entire day. Christina, Corey and Caleb were playing a game of four square. They invited me to play so there would actually be four people. I decided to try and make them laugh by doing tricks and making weird faces. It worked, until I got too clumsy and fell over. Well, not over but into something, someone.

I looked up to see Jimin's face, of course. He smiled at me before waving at the three kids in front of me. "Oh hello Mr." Christina said waving at Jimin. "Mind if I join?" He asked and the girl nodded immediately. I quickly went back to the fourth square, leaving no space for Jimin to play. "Looks like you'll have to wait until someone gets out." Corey said to Jimin who nodded and walked over to the outside of the fourth square.

As we played Caleb was out first by Christina. He pouted and walked over to the sidelines with his head down. I cheered him up by walking over to him and tickling him. The second round Jimin went easy on the kids, but he went really hard against me. Which caused me to get out, because he slammed the ball on the ground making it go far above my head.

After recess was over, the kids had work time, and it was our time to have the gym to ourselves for an hour. I quickly ran to the gym and was the first inside. It had a basketball court and everything. I ran over to where the balls were kept and grabbed one. I dribbled it to the free throw line and just began shooting.

Almsot everyone just sat down against the wall, scrolling through their phones. Boring, all they do is work. Jimin was the only other person who was playing basketball. He stole the ball from me and ran up to get a layup. I have a feeling he's played this before. "Wanna play 1 on 1?" He asked raising a brow. "How do I play?" I asked not knowing much about basketball.

"Here let me show you." He walked to the middle of the court with the ball and told me to stand across from him. "And then we check the ball. So, I pass it to you and you pass it back." He explained. After I learned the whole process of playing 1 on 1, I started off with the ball, ladies first of course. But, that didn't last long as Jimin towered over my back and stole the ball and ended up scoring.

"Yah! I'm new to this that's not fair." I crossed my arms annoyed. "So? I'm just playing." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes and stood across from him. After we checked the ball I ran up to him and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Can't score now, can you?" I said smiling at him. "But I can kiss you and that's a score." He smirked. "Don't even think about it." I glared at him before getting off him.

"Y/N." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Christina. "Oh hey Christina when did you get here?" I asked. "A little before you jumped on him." She explained. "Well, what's up?" I asked. "I wanted to say thank you so much for adopting me and my brothers." She said and hugged me tightly. "Wait, what? Don't you have parents?" I asked confused and shocked. "No." She said.

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