Chapter 21

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Even though I had been in his house many times before during high school, it still felt new to me. After knocking on the door I just walked in impatient.

I found a guest bedroom and claimed it as mine. Jimin walked in a few mimutes later. "Why are you here?" He asked. "Uh because I'm forced to move in." I said angrily. I aggressively unpacked my bags as my cat roamed around the new bedroom.

"You brought your cat?" He asked looking down at the cat that was brushing up against his legs. "Yes. If I'm moving in she's coming with me." I said sorting my clothes. "She can sleep in my room." He said picking up the cat. "No. I always sleep with her." I said walking to him and taking the cat from his arms.

"Then, keep her in your bedroom and your bedroom only." With that he walked out shutting the door loudly behind me. I flinched a little at the sudden noise. Jeez he always angry it seems like.

After unpacking it was past 9 p.m. I quickly got into bed and fell asleep. The next day was a weekend, which meant no making food for the asshole. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to make myself and only me, breakfast. A few minutes later Jimin walked in sitting at the kitchen island.

After I finished cooking, I walked past him pretending he didn't exist. He scoffed before pulling my wrist harshly, making me face him. "Where's my breakfast?" He asked angrily. "I made only myself breakfast." I explained. "Go make me breakfast." He demanded.

"I'm not at work so no." I said. A few seconds later he slapped me across the face. I looked at him with tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "I said make me breakfast." He yelled in my face. I was scared from him and flinched backwards.

I gave him my breakfast that I hadn't touched yet and walked to my bedroom. I shut the door and layed back down on my bed. I'm mad that my parents for making me live with this man. He's so demanding, and now I know if you say no to something he demands you doing, he'll slap you.

I rubbed my face trying to make the pain go away. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I didn't say anything and faced my back towards the door. "I know you aren't sleeping." I knew it was Jimin. "I'm trying to." I said without turning to face him. "Go eat." He said waiting for me to get up.

I didn't say anything and continued to lay in the same position on my bed. "I said go eat!" He yelled. "I'm not fucking hungry, okay?" I finally looked up at him. "Stop demanding me to do things, I'm not your slave. I dont even want to be here. But, my selfish parents do what they want. You can't just leave me alone?" I yelled back at him. "Go and eat." He said still with dark eyes.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" I yelled. "No I will not." He said leaning on the doorway. I angrily turned towards the window with my back facing him again. I closed my eyes and fell asleep soon after.

A few days later, it was time to go back to work. I woke up a little late this morning, trying to avoid Jimin. He is always up early and leaves early. I didn't want to go to work with him, correction I never want to go to work with him. I will always take the bus, I can't stand being in the same car as him.

I walked into work to see many photographers and the CEO's and their secretaries posing for the photos. Jimin stood there with a straight face. We locked eye contact, which I immediately broke. I walked to the cafeteria ignoring him. I now had a huge bruise on my cheek because of him.

"Y/N what happened?" June asked looking at the purple circle on my cheek. "Nothing I just tripped and fell." I said. "I'm fine though." I lied to her. I lied because if I told her about Jimin, he would end up hearing and do something worse to me.

After breakfast was done I walked to JJ's office. I had forgotten about him being gone. I sighed before walking up to Jimin's office. I knocked before entering. "I'm sorry." He said as I placed the bag of food on his desk. "It's fine." I said trying to hide the bruise on my face with my hand.

"No, I was too harsh on you." He said standing up. He walked towards me and placed his hand on my cheek. I flinched thinking he was going to slap me. "I'm not going to slap you, I won't do it ever again." He said placing his hand on my cheek and softly caressing it. I just nodded and turned to leave.

He grabbed my wrist turning me back to face him. "Don't you want to know how the food tastes?" He asked. "No, it's always the same, always not good." I said and turned back around, leaving his office.

I slowly walked back to the cafeteria and cooked for the rest of the day. After the day ended I received a text from JJ that he was staying abroad with his family longer than he thought. He said at the minimum he would be back within a month. I wished him a nice stay and hoped his family was doing well.

I cleaned up and headed out of the cafeteria. As I walked out of the building, I was welcomed by Jimin. He was leaning against his car, it looked like he was waiting. "Finally, you're done. Here let me drive you home." He said. I shook my head, "please just let me take the bus." I begged. He sighed before nodding his head.

I walked to the bus station and got home 20 minutes later. I went straight to my bedroom and plopped down onto my bed. I was too exhausted today, I felt more tired than usual and I didn't work as well as I usually do.

The next day was the weekend, and the day of the wedding. I got out of bed and went to the location my mother texted me to go to. It took forever to get the wedding dress on, but we eventually got it situated comfortably.

I was waiting for my cue to head out of the dressing room and to walk down the aisle to meet Jimin on the end. June told me she was going to the wedding with the rest of my colleagues that work in the cafeteria. It was probably 10 minutes or more until finally my mother came in and told me to start heading down.

I nervously walked down the aisle. I locked eyes with Jimin, but immediately broke it by looking at the floor. Once I got up the stairs and was standing across from Jimin, it was really awkward. The priest made us hold hands while he read the things he was supposed to read.

Eventually he got down to the last bit. "Do you Park Jimin take Jeon Y/N to be your wife?" He asked. Jimin shifted his gaze from the priest to me, "I do." He said. "And do you Jeon Y/N, take Park Jimin to be your husband." I gulped before saying, "I do." After the ring was placed on my finger I looked down. I really didn't want to be here, but I had to make it seem real for my parents.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said. I wasn't paying attention and was looking forward at the crowd of people that sat down in the chairs. Jimin cupped my face with his hands making me face him. He then placed a long gentle kiss on my lips before pulling away.

The audience clapped and then I had to go sit in a car with him to head home. It felt like the drive was forever, I just stared out the window the entire time. Well, except when my dress would irritate me and I would try to situate it. It didn't do anything at all though.

Once we reached our house, I immediately ran inside. I changed and threw the wedding dress across the floor. I stomped on it many times before shoving it in my closet.

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