Chapter 8

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I woke up by Jimin shaking me. I sat up stretching. "Cute." He said lowly, but loud enough for me to hear. I glared at him before looking around to see we were at the hotel. I got up and got off the bus.

I spotted my brother near the entrance of the hotel talking with some boys in our class. I walked towards him waving at him and his friends. "Y/N, can we have some guy time?" Jungkook whispered to me. "Sure." I said backing away.

I walked to a nearby tree and got comfortable scrolling through my phone. I felt a presence next to me. I pointed my phone in the direction and ended up hitting them.

"What the hell was that for?" I widened my eyes at the familiar voice. I looked to see Jimin. "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were some stranger. Ever since that night that guy tried to rape me, I dont trust anyone." I explained. "Okay, but that's the second time you've hit me in my eye. I think it's swollen." He whined.

I rolled my eyes examining his eye. "It's just a little red. Try touching it." He nodded touching his eye. He whinced in pain the second he touched it. "Damn, I'm sorry I am strong." I joked. He glared at me before getting up and walking towards the entrance.

The teacher took forever because she was flirting with the bus driver. I got annoyed and tired of waiting for her. So, I got up walking towards the bus. "Come on, we are waiting. You can flirt later." I said annoyed. The teacher looked at me with wide eyes. "We aren't fliting, go in without me." She said shooing me off.

I rolled my eyes before yelling to the students to go find their rooms. Jimin and I found our room and our mouths dropped at the sight of one bed.

"You're joking." I said looking at the bed. "There's not even a damn couch?" I yelled. "It's not like we haven't shared a bed before." I could tell he was still annoyed by what I had done before.

Since it was already past midnight I went to bed leaving half the bed for Jimin.

I woke up the next morning, checking my phone for the time. It was 6 a.m. Jimin was already awake, I could hear him in the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and waited for him to come out.

He came out a few minutes later in a white leather jacket and a black shirt underneath.

We walked out of the hotel room and downstairs waiting for everyone else to come. I faced Jimin to see him with his jaw dropped and wide eyes. I could tell he was looking behind me (lol shorty). I looked behind me to see a group of girls with showy bikinis heading towards the indoor pool.

I rolled my eyes walking over to Jungkook. Jimin can really be annoying. I know he's trying to make me fall for him, but that's not gonna happen because he still looks at girls that are hotter than me hungrily.

"Hi." I heard a voice next to my brother. "Oh hi." I waved at the unfamiliar man. "I'm Eunwoo." He said putting out his hand. I looked at him, he had pretty eyes and a cute smile. When he smiled you could see dimples. I was lost in his beauty until he snapped his fingers in my face. "Oh, sorry. I'm Y/N." I shook his hand.

"Well, Y/N, do you have a phone number?" He asked raising a brow. "Yes I do." I said smiling. I gave him my number quickly before the teacher could come and interrupt my moment. With my luck it seemed like it was going to happen.

"Okay class on the bus." She said standing outside the bus to count all the students. I walked on the bus sitting in the back. I invited Eunwoo to sit with me. I let him sit by the window, knowing he'd probably want it.

Jungkook sat across from me near the window by himself. Until, Jimin took the seat next to him. He glared at me and at Eunwoo. "What's your problem?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "You're sitting with another guy." "Why do you care? You aren't my boyfriend." I crossed my arms. "But, I belong to you and you belong to me." He said angrily.

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