Chapter 9

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Things were a little awkward the rest of the night between Jimin and I. Niether of us could sleep and we both just stared up at the ceiling. After 30 minutes or so, I finally felt my eyes get heavy and fell asleep.

The next morning was the day to head back to school. Well, for maybe 3 hours (half the time). Then, it would be the weekend.

I quickly got dressed and packed my things. Jimin wasn't in the room, so I suspected he was downstairs in the lobby eating breakfast or something. He's always awake before I am. which is surprising because he always goes to sleep after me.

After I got all my things packed and ready to go, I took them downstairs to the lobby with me. I quickly ate a waffle for breakfast and waited outside along with the majority of the class.

The teacher signalled us to get onto the bus. I was the first one on and went straight to my usual seat, in the very back on the left side. This time I did get the window seat which is a score.

A few minutes later Eunwoo got on the bus. He smiled and waved at me. He ended up sitting next to me as well. "Why aren't you sitting with your girlfriend?" I asked confused. His girlfriend was sitting a few seats in front of me by herself. "She wants to sit with her friends." I just nodded in response.

I saw blonde hair poking up at the front of the bus. By the way the hair was styled, I could tell it was Jimin. Once he got on he glared at Eunwoo. Instead of sitting across from me this time, he found a way to sit in between Eunwoo and me.

"Jimin there's not enough room." I said as I was being pushed up against the window painfully. "Yes there is. Here let me help you out." He picked me up and set me on his lap. I turned to face him glaring at him. He smiled snaking his hands around my waist.

I turned back around giving Jimin the chance to pull me so that my back was touching his chest. I knew I wasnt going to get out of this situation. There was a long bus ride ahead, so I just closed my eyes to fall asleep.

I rubbed my face against something soft. It felt like a pillow, but it moved. I opened my eyes annoyed that it had kept moving. I looked to see a cheek, a cheek that belonged to Jimin.

I widened my eyes and scooted back, making the seat in front of me come in contact with my back. Jimin and I shared eye contact with both wide eyes for a couple seconds, until I snapped back to reality.

"Why were you rubbing your face against my cheek?" Jimin asked raising a brow. "I thought it was a pillow." I said looking down. I heard him chuckle. "I mean you can use it as a pillow if you want." He said smirking. I shook my head rapidly.

"Eunwoo do you mind sitting up there." I pointed to a seat a few away from mine that had one person. He nodded before moving seats.

I quickly pushed myself off Jimin's lap and looked out the window. It was foggy, which meant it was going to be pretty cold outside. And knowing me, I didn't bring a sweatshirt with me. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

"Jimin do you have a hoodie I can borrow?" I asked looking at him. "No." I looked at his outift. Shorts and a t-shirt a lot like what I was wearing. "Let's just hope it's not too cold." I placed my hand on the window. It was freezing.

"We still have a couple hours, it might warm up." Jimin explained. "True that." I placed my head on the seat closing my eyes again.

I woke up to the bus suddenly stopping. I felt something heavy on my shoulder and saw Jimin's head. One thing that was weird, is that he was laying on top of me and I was laying against the window. I tried pushing him off, but he was too heavy.

He moved and groaned, pushing his face against my cheek. I see what he's doing. "Yah! Jimin." I yelled making him move a little. I pushed his face making him wake up. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked crossing my arms. "Sleeping." He said rubbing his eyes. "Who sleeps like that?" I asked angrily.

"Couples do." I heard a voice from in front of me. "Sorry, you got the wrong idea." I said making the girl look at Jimin smirking. "She's joking we are dating." He said and quickly put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't say anything. "Lucky girl." The girl said and got off the bus.

I pushed his hand off glaring at him. "You can't keep going around telling people we are together when we aren't. They are going to tell the entire school that we are." I crossed my arms. "So? Then, we can actually date." I rolled my eyes.

I pushed past him and got off the bus. Immediately a gust of wind hit me making me shiver. "Nope." I turned back to get on the bus, but Jimin was blocking the stairs. "Move I'm gonna freeze to death." I say shaking from the cold.

"The bus is just as cold." He pulled me to a nearby tree outside the school. "Why aren't the teachers letting us in?" I asked. "They want us to suffer." Jimin said placing me on the grass and sitting next to me.

I layed on the grass staring up at the sky. It was dark, but not night time yet. I saw Jimin's face pop out in front of mine seconds later. He looked down at me smiling. "You know the grass is a lot more cold right?" He asked. "You know you're wearing sunglasses when the sun isnt out, right?" I said annoyed.

Jimin bent down picking me up and setting me on his lap. "You know that if our bodies are together it'll keep us both warm, right?" He said staring into my eyes. "Pfft sure." I said unimpressed. He pulled me so our chests were touching and placed his arms around my back.

Within a few minutes I started to feel warmer in my chest area. I looked at him with wide eyes, "wait, what?" I asked myself confused. Jimin flicked my forehead, "dummy I'm always right." I rolled my eyes in response. "Sure." I said.

The teacher came out with another teacher after like 20 minutes. Male and female teacher, I think we all know what happened.

"Ok class, come inside now." "Finally." I got off Jimin and quickly ran inside.

The bell rang indicating school had ended. I quickly got out of school waiting for my brother. After Jungkook came out we went home for the day.

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