Still at the Hospital

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They all sat in Leo's hospital room for hours and hours and they all ended up staying overnight and the nurse was a huge fan of Leo and  Charlie so she letted everyone that was at the hospital with Leo to stay as long as they want and so did all the other staff they had leo in a celebrity hospital room witch was big enough for everyone that turned up at the hospital for Leo.

The nurse came back from the scan Leo had to go for and she said:" he might be in a coma for a few weeks if not months because he had done some serious damage to his self and he won't wake up for a while but we are going to get him better don't you worry guys you all can stay the whole time if you want."

Charlie said while having tears in his eyes:" yeah we would like to stay the whole time and I just wish I told him to stay and talk to me or this wouldn't of happened."

Ana said:" it wasn't your fault Charlie he didn't tell you what was going on and he just left without his phone."

Matilda was crying and looking at her beloved brother in a coma not being able to talk or see them .

Charlie wasn't his self while they were sitting in Leo's room charlie isn't normally quite.

Brooke was 15 and she could tell there was something wrong with her brother so she said to Charlie:" charls it's okay the nurse said they will get him better I know he's like a brother/ boyfriend but he will be better don't worry."

Charlie looked at Brooke and said:" what do you mean boyfriend."

Brooke said:" Well I see they way you look at leo Charlie it's okay if you are gay because I will love you no matter what same with everyone else no matter what we will support you."

Charlie said:" okay I need to tell you all something. I'm gay and i only love Leo am sorry Ana but I'm gay."

Everyone was shocked

Tillie said:" to be honest I see the way leo looks at you I think he likes you too Charlie in that way because whenever he see's a girl he doesn't make a move on her and also congrats charlie for coming out I'm so proud of you so is everyone else I just wish leo would wake up so he could celebrate with us I hate seeing my brother like this."

Ana said:" it's okay Charlie I know you love leo more than anything in the world I'm fine with being friends."

Izzy said:" wow charlie I'm so proud of you how long have you known that you are gay."

Charlie said:" about 5-8 years since we started Bars and Melody."

Donna said:" omg Charlie I so proud of you why did you not come out sooner you know we are not that type of people that will judge we love you no matter what."

Charlie was right next to Leo's bed in hospital and Charlie held Leo's hand while they waited to hear anything from the Nurse but there was still nothing Charlie lay on the same bed as Leo and hugged him and cried while everyone else was asleep for some reason Cj's tears woke leo up. Leo coughed and it woke everyone up they were happy to see him awake. Leo said still weak : " I heard what you all were talking about and I need to tell you guys something...... I'm gay and I only love Charlie 🥺."
Rachel said:" wow how long have you known you were gay."

Leo said: "same amount of time charlie has known he was gay."

Domi was in so much shock he didn't say anything till he processed it which took him a while to process it but he managed to process it and he said:" wow just wow I don't know what to say I love you both and you two would look cute together."


Leo said while crying:" I'm sorry charlie I didn't want to talk about what happened because it really affected me and I didn't want to put that problem on your shoulders because you already had enough on your shoulders 😭."

Charlie said:" I know but my shit that was going on wouldn't stop me from helping you you should know that."

Leo said: "I'm so sorry charlie yes I know that but I really didn't want to bother you with my shit."

Charlie said:" Okay but from now on you promise you will talk to me as soon as you get a nasty message like that."

Leo said:" I promise I swear down on my life I will talk to you as soon as I get a message like that again."

Tillie woke up from her sleep and said:" LEO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT  TO US WE ALL THOUGHT U FUCKING DIED."

Leo said with his arms extended :" Tillie come here I'm sorry I shouldn't of done that I was stupid of doing it."

Tillie ran over and hugged Leo she tried not to hug to tight because she knows leo would still be in a lot of pain but she couldn't help it because of her emotions."

Leo said struggling to breath:" Tillie loosening the hug please I can't breath."

Tillie said while nearly crying :" omg I so sorry leo, I'm so so so so so sorry." 😭

Leo said:" Tillie it's okay you couldn't help it because your emotions was to strong for you to control your hugs I loved that hug tho Tillie."

Tillie said smiling while tears rolled down her face:" really leo you loved that hug."

Leo said while wiping Tillie's tears from her face:" of course you're my little sister I have fucking loved you since you was a baby and I will forever love you no matter what happens."

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