Poorly Leo

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Lion texted his Alpha saying: "hey can you come to my house please?"

Alpha replied with:"yeah sure what's wrong my lion.

Lion replied saying:"I don't know I'm just not feeling okay.

Alpha replied says:"what's worst with you my little lion.

Lion said:" I have a really sore tummy and I am feeling so sick. Alpha said:" can you hang on for a little till am at yours.

Lion said:"yeah 🥺 it was 9:00 am when they were texting his Alpha.

Charlie texted saying:" hang on am on my way ❤️❤️." Alpha arrived and Lion's house. And lion slowly made his way down to the door with his duvet over his back and he opened the door to see his Alpha there waiting there patiently for his lion to answer the door.

when he answered it he saw his lion was about to cry so he pulled his lion into his chest and stroked his back and asked him: "what's wrong tell me?"

He said:" he has been feeling ill and he doesn't know why he is nearly crying."

Charlie said:" do you want to sit down."

Leo nodded his head slowly so Charlie just picked Leo up and carried him to the big couch Leo has  in his house.

And Leo just broke down in tears in Charlie's bare chest and Leo was crying for a good bit of the morning.

Leo then felt his eyes get heavier and heavier and he was starting to get tired, Leo and his sweet dark brown eyes looked up from his Alpha's chest and locked eyes with his Alpha's sweet light blue eyes.

And just kept on staring into his Alpha's light blue eyes then Charlie broke the silents

And asked Leo: "you okay my little lion".  

Leo side:"I'm okay now because i'm in your arms."

Charlie then carried Leo upstairs while Leo wrapped his arms around his Alpha's torso tight and he fell asleep so Charlie put Leo in his bed and went to the shop to get medicine for his poorly Lion.

And he also picked up a red rose and put it on Leo's beside table, then Leo woke up and asked Charlie if he could stay with him.

Charlie said:" Of course I can stay with you and cuddle you to make sure you okay we can go for a nap" Charlie Said to Leo,

Leo said:" I would love that but before we have a nap i'm going to the bathroom because I have been feeling sick all morning."

Charlie asked: "do you want me to help you ."

And Leo said:" Yes please help me"

So Charlie carried Leo to the bathroom and put Leo on the floor next to the toilet and stroked leo's back to help him throw up and he did throw up quit a bit.

Charlie helped Leo back to his bed and laid down with Leo and he put his head on charlie's chest but he did it carefully because he was scared in case he would of hurt his Alpha.

When Charlie was stroking Leo's hair he fell asleep on his Alpha's chest.

Charlie looked at the time on his phone and it was 19:00 pm already charlie looked at his Little lion and he was sleeping.

Charlie has always thought about waking up to that every morning with Leo lying curled up on his side with his arms on his tummy.

Charlie then got off the bed slowly and carefully so he doesn't make a noise to wake up his little sleepy lion.

Charlie went downstairs to get supper while Leo was still sleeping it was 23:00 pm.

Leo got up and he wanted to cry because his Alpha wasn't beside him.

he thought he woken up alone but then he saw the red rose on his bedside table and he got a warm feeling in his chest the feeling he gets when his Alpha is around.

Leo said: " another rose to go with the 14 I have I'll go put it in the vase with the 14 others I have". 

Leo got up slowly and rubbed his eyes slowly and went downstairs he was feeling a bit better but still a little weak.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw Charlie sitting on the couch reading a book and Leo managed to read the title form the stairs and it looked interesting then Charlie looked up and asked Leo "what do you want to eat?"

Leo: "said c- can we order a pizza and vanilla ice cream, please"?

Charlie said: "of course we can".

Leo jumped with joy and hugged His Alpha. Saying: "Thank you Thank you Thank you  your the best".

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