Charlie's pain part 2

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Tilly said: " what the fuck is wrong with you Leo your starting to scare me 😟."

Leo said:" there was people looking at me and you and they look like my bullies so I'm scared in case they start to beat you up like what they done to me and nearly killed me until Charlie came to my rescue and saved me if it wasn't for Charlie I would of been dead and then once they were done with me they would do the same to you I just care about you a lot okay Tillie your my little sister I don't want anything to happen to you 😭."

Tilly put her hand on Leo's chin and lifted his head up and said:" thanks Leo it means a lot because I was scared to in the bar but I didn't say anything because I was scared in case you guys thought I was being over dramatic and say your just saying things."

Charlie said:" we would never think your being over dramatic about the whole thing because Leo saw them the whole time staring you two down. charlie stopped what he was saying and looked in the little mirror at the front of the car and said: "FUCK GUYS HOLD ON."

Leo said: " Charlie what the fuck is going on what are you speeding."
Charlie said:" the guys that you said was looking at you and Tilly is following us in a black BMW so I'm going try and loose them."

Leo said:" Charlie don't crash the car because this is my yellow Lamborghini this car is under both of our names but I still don't want you to crash it because if I get into trouble from the police mum will disowned me as a son."


Charlie said: " it's the only way I can loose the bullies and I'm pretty sure you guys want me to loose the bullies instead of them stopping us and beating the shit out of Leo and Tilly  till there dead."

Donna and Izzy said:" I agree with Charlie because I would like to have them two alive instead of dead."

Domi agreed and Domi said:" just at least try and be safe and Charlie you better have your seatbelt on same with you Leo and Tilliy."

Donna and Izzy already had there seatbelts on but Charlie was putting his seatbelt on just as he got faster.

The bullies was following for 2 hours nearly till Charlie lost them  then Charlie drove home slowly when they got home it was 3:00am and Charlie and Leo had to write there music for there fans but Charlie said:" we will do more music when we're up today Leo because you need to get bed  and drink water if u want I will get you your water and you can just stay in your trap hours bed with your trap house vibes 😂."

Leo laughed and said:" yeah Charlie can you help me pick a bed to order please once your back with the water."

Charlie said: " yeah sure I won't be that long but I'm going to see to Tilly, Donna and Izzy Domi is on the couch till tomorrow he will be going home to see Rachel he just texted her saying he will be home tomorrow because me and you needed him."

Leo said:" Okay my Alpha see you when your back with the water."

Charlie turned and walked out blushing 😊.

Leo was blushing of embarrassment  but Charlie didn't see because he already had his back turned and walking out.

Charlie came back 20-30 mins later with Leo's water and Charlie sat beside Leo and helped Him pick out a bed they moved into a new crib not that long ago but Charlie has been there for 2-5 weeks while Leo was In Greece but Leo was happy to be home with his Brother he has known for 7 years.

They where looking at beds for 40-50 minutes and then they came across a bed that they both loved it was a double bed. Then they had to look for a desk that would fit in Leo's room but they both felt there eyes closing so they said they would do it in the morning when there up they both were chilling in Charlie's room watching the Tv and Leo had his head on CeeJay's shoulder and he fell asleep so charlie just letter him stay in his bed for one night and Charlie was on the floor. But CeeJay didn't care if he was on the floor he only cared about his brother being comfy and getting a good night sleep charlie was on his phone listen to music with one earphone in and then he fell asleep.

It was 01:34pm Leo woke up and went downstairs and he was making Breakfast/lunch for them 15 minutes later charlie woke up and went downstairs and he saw Leo making breakfast/ lunch for them and Charlie felt loved because none of his friends made breakfast/ lunch and he felt blessed have the best person in his life.

Charlie didn't know how to pay Leo back for everything Leo's done for him for the past 7 years that they have been a duo Charlie would do anything to keep Leo around and help him with everything and Leo would do the same.

CHARDRE Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon