Poorly Charlie

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A few weeks later Charlie was as ill as Leo and charlie also broke his legs by doing something stupid so Leo helped Charlie with everything and made him comfortable so he can fall asleep and while Leo was looking after his Alpha he heard something outside the house and he was scared in case it was his bullies so he grabbed a knife to protect his self because his Alpha was really ill so he couldn't protect him and he switched off all the lights so whoever was outside the house thought they were out.

Leo didn't know what to do he said to his self: "stop being a pussy and pull you're shit together and get the balls to go see what that noise was because you're Alpha is ill and you need to protect him and yourself".

Leo finally got the courage to go and investigate what was going on and he looked out the window

and it was Leo's bullies so he said to his self: "grate just what I need while my Alpha is ill and how did they find out I lived here my anxiety is so bad right know and there is no one to calm me down."

Leo Barricaded the doors and windows and locked all the doors and windows and switches the lights off so they couldn't see  in and they couldn't break the windows either because they were. Bullet-proof windows same with the doors but Leo was being very  productive and safe.

So him or his Alpha wouldn't get hurt. Leo went to the door and unlocked it and the bullies went to kick the door in.

When they did that Leo was hiding behind a wall and when they walked around the inside of the house Leo hurt on of them with the knife he had and the bully he hurt was on the floor in pain.

Charlie woke up with all the banging and crashing going on so he came down stairs and saw Leo getting punched and getting battered and Charlie came down the stairs and he used his crutches to hit all the bullies over the head with them and when they were knocked out he helped Leo up from the floor but Leo was knocked out so Charlie got Leo up and put him on the couch and put an ice pack on his head, arms, chest, and legs and he.

Called the police and they came straight away and arrested all the bullies for assaulting Leo and the police asked for Charlie about what happened because he was a witness of what happened then when Leo woke up he got questioned too and Leo told them everything and they put the bullies away for a very long time and.

Leo said:"I hurt one of the bullies with a knife it was for self defence because they were going to punched and they side they would kill me and Charlie and I was looking after Charlie bc he was ill and he had broken his legs because he was being stupid and they broke the door when they kicked it and Charlie was sleeping at the time so it was only me I had to do something." The police said thanks for your time we will deal with the case don't worry and we will get your door fixed and everything that was broken in you're house and we will get back to you.

When the police left Charlie asked Leo how did they find you?

Leo said: "I don't know how they did but back in school they said they would find me because they were not done with me in school."

Leo started to cry and Charlie pulled Leo into his bear chest and stroked Leo's hair to calm him down.

Charlie said: " it's okay it's all over now you will never loose me ever I'll be by you're side throughout thick and thin times, the easy  and the tough times nothing will stop me from loving you bro I am so glad that I met you and so glad that you're in my life and I'm glad am in your life too."

Leo calmed down while his tears was still running down his face and on to Charlie's tattooed chest and Leo apologised for getting Charlie's chest socked with his tears.

Charlie said:" look it's okay Leo as long as you are okay that's all that matters and that your safe and that you still want to stay here in this house with me and Domi texted me and he said he would move in with us to make you feel safer."

Leo said: "yeh am okay and I would feel safer if Domi moved in with us too if that's okay with you Charlie". Charlie said: of course am fine with that because I would feel safer too with another person was living with us too."

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