Doim moves in

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The same day Domi got everything packed and moved into Leo and Charlie's house and Leo and Charlie both told Domi what happened that night.

while  Charlie was ill and in crutches and what Leo done to keep them both safe but Leo didn't really remember it that well because he got knocked out by the bullies but Leo was happier because he got told the bullies got jailed for assault and attempted murder so they were locked up for a while.

Domi said: " fuck I wish one of yours texted me saying we need help I would of driving as fast as I could to get here you two should of texted me or at least one of yours would of texted me."

Charlie said: " I was going to but I was scared in case Leo got killed by his bullies that's why we told you after everything was over because Leo was close to death if I didn't knock out his bullies."

Domi said:" Fair enough but you two know I will always be by your sides even if it kills me and I will always help you both through everything."

Domi then looked at Leo and saw how bad his pain was and Domi looked into Leo's eyes and saw he was wanting to die but Leo didn't say anything about it but Domi could just sense that Leo was hurting a lot inside and outside.

That night none of them had sleep because they were so scared to sleep so they stayed up all night and was making music, talking and making food and they also went for a midnight run to the shop to get snacks and after that they went back home and just watched Netflix and Charlie fall asleep on Leo's shoulder because he was still really ill so Leo asked

Domi if he could go get a blanket or the duvet so we can put it over Charlie to keep him warm and make him comfortable because he was in pain and really ill.

Leo looked at his phone for the time and it was 19:00pm and Leo, Charlie and Domi hasn't had supper so Leo asked Domi to make supper because Leo couldn't move because he would of woken up charlie if he moved so.

Domi said: " yeah I'll go make supper what do you want to eat Leo?".

Leo said: anything that's vegetarian Domi and Charlie will eat anything so just make him anything."
When the supper was ready Leo woke charlie up by

shaking him a little and saying Charlie it's time to wake up so charlie woke up and said: "what time is it."

Leo told him it was 19:30pm and it's time for supper. Leo helped Charlie up from the couch because he was still in crutches because of his broken legs and also because Leo was a nice person and he didn't want Charlie to do anything on his own because he was injured and ill.

The next day Charlie was feeling better but he was still in crutches for a few more weeks for his legs to heal.

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