Tom gives us the scoop, "she tore a muscle, it's mild. It'll heal in three to six weeks. But she cannot continue with the bonus events. And we'll need to inform Mr. Mensah as she isn't fit to fulfill her duties as a guard.

I nod understanding.

"So totally unrelated to anything, I have a question." I say, and everyone looks to me, "so you all are guards, but it's more of an on-call thing until you are permanently placed?" I ask, and they nod.

I turn to Afi and give her a pleading look.

"Bella, you are out of your mind if you think I'm giving you all eleven of them. The most we give out is five-" I cut her off.


"Fine." She sighs.

I begin to cheer, and everyone looks at me like I'm insane.

"What just happened?" Kezie asks.

Afi answers, "you all including, Darnel as driver, Aditiya, Oliver and the twins are permanently assigned to Bella and Joey."

They all looked shocked, and I smile, "I'm attached to you guys, we've been through a lot. I'm purposely being selfish and keeping all of you." I giggle.

We all chat and hang out for a bit.

"You guys have to leave now if you want to make it in time," Bev says. And we see her off.

My race with Katarina is up next.

I'm ready.

I remember the first time I ran on a track. The turf beneath my feet and the fresh grassy rubbery smell.

I walk up to my lane.

Katarina is already there on my left in lane 2.

"Alone up here just like back then. But this time, you'll be left behind." She says as we place our feet in position.

I won't let her words get to me. My necklace pops out of my cropped singlet. I smile. My team is Why We Run.

"You know I'm not the lonely one. I have my boyfriend and family behind me. Who do you have? Your team, who is acting like we are at the Olympics? Do you guys talk? You look like you all hate each other. You are only on his team because you lost to me. My team doesn't work like that. We are there for each other. You are just too cold to feel the warmth of our fire. I feel bad for you. I don't care if my team wins or not, but I won't feel so bad when I win this race right now." I smirk as we wait for the gun to blow.

"That chance," Katarina mutters as we both take off.

My dad and Lamar pushed me for speed. I feel light on my feet.

I love the adrenaline. The air, whipping past me as I cut through it. I don't dare to look anywhere but at the finish line.

I let out a cheer and continue to run on that track.

I make my way back to Katarina who looks at me in awe.

"Where did that speed come from? I was on your heels at the 200!" She gasps, catching her breath.

I grin, "don't underestimate the power of a team." Nothing can change the joy I feel right now.

"Isabella, I mean it. Your team has been fooling around this whole time but are amazing." She says.

"Katarina, it's probably because of my surgery. That I was able to perform with my optimal potential, in all reality, my team wasn't showing our best abilities when we ran. Other than the 800. During that, Afi and I got ahead of ourselves and raced each other, not thinking about anyone else." I laugh.

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