12. Speak Your Mind

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After spending some time perfecting their routine, they spent the rest of their time practicing Show Yourself and Colours, which were the ones that needed the most work

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After spending some time perfecting their routine, they spent the rest of their time practicing Show Yourself and Colours, which were the ones that needed the most work. Everyone was exhausted by the time they were done, and ready to head home.

"Can I show you girls my new song?" Asked River, as they finished their final run through for the day. "It won't take too long."

"Aw, River, I'm so exhausted," Kira sighed. "Sorry to be a pain, but can we do it tomorrow?"

River groaned, and this time it was particularly difficult for the Australian girl to hold back her annoyance.

"This is literally the fourth time you've blown me off. Or is it the fifth? I'm not sure, I'm losing count at this point."

Shensea glanced at her friend in surprise.

"It's just one night River, I'm sure it'll be okay," she said. "We're all really tired."

River shook her head at her, deciding she needed to speak now or this was going to continue to be a problem.

"None of you ever have time for me anymore," she sighed. "It's just... I wouldn't be mad if it was once, or even twice where you're busy with your relationship, or you're too tired, I get it. I've been in a relationship before, albeit years ago. But it used to be that when one of us was writing a new song everyone would be keen to chip in and help, but I've practically written this entire thing myself, and none of you have shown any interest in even seeing it yet."

The other three girls stared at her in surprise.

"I had no idea you'd done so much work on it," said Naia, in surprise.

"River, I get why you're upset but particularly for Naia and I, we're at the start of a new relationship and that's when you really spend much more time than usual with the person," Shensea told her tentatively. "Maybe Kira could..."

"Wow, don't pin this on me," Kira objected, before Shensea could finish. "If it's really that important I'm sure we can hang around for a bit now to see the new song. It won't kill us."

River shook her head in disbelief.

"None of you get it," she told them, sadly. "I don't care about the song, I'll throw it in the bin when I get home. It's our friendship that I care about and it feels like we're not even friends anymore,we're just work colleagues."

"What?" Naia gasped. "River, we love you so much, you're one of my best friends in the entire world! You can show us the song, we do want to see it!"

"Maybe I'll just show you tomorrow," River shook her head. "I can't right now."

"Okay," Sienna stepped in, holding up her hand before Shensea could start speaking again. "That'll do for tonight. You girls have been working so hard for so long, you need a break from it. There'll be no practice tomorrow for the four of you, go and spend time as a group of friends. And no boyfriends allowed, by the way!"

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