Chapter 17 - Is She A Goddess Or Am I Crazy?

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Minori opened the door for us, allowing Erin, Aubrey, Evander, and me in first. Before the rest of our group could enter, they paused, glaring at the others. "Only one more person can enter. Yuki doesn't like large groups of people."

Alpha Lorence stepped forward without allowing us to decide. Minori accepted it and told the rest of our group to wait outside, then closed the door. I turned around to look at the house. It was warm and cozy, filled to the brim with books and plants. Lots of plants. They clung to the walls and fell from the ceiling in delicate assortments. A loft accessed by a ladder was off in the back of the small cottage. In front was a dining table with six seats next to a small kitchen. Off to the side was a comfortable-looking living room with plenty of blankets and pillows.

"Min? Is that you?" A gentle voice called from the loft.

"Darling, there are visitors here to see you. A kitsune had a vision that summoned them to you," Minori explained, their voice unbelievably tender.

Darling? No wonder Minori was so defensive. They were lovers. I had a thought to correct the dragon but figured it would be best not to. Alpha Lorence and Erin were there and I wasn't about to expose myself to Lorence of all people.

A head peeked down from the loft. Goddess, I think this is a Goddess. Kamihara Yuki went down the ladder and turned to face us. Her face was fair and gentle, framed by long black hair that reached her back. Her eyes were that same striking crystal Rin had. And now that I looked closer, I realized how similar they looked.

"You're Rin's sibling," Evander stated before I could blurt it out myself.

She paused, eyes wide. Minori suddenly growled, stepping forward and standing between her lover and my own. "Do not speak that name in front of her."

"You know them? Are you really their sister?" Evander asked.

"I am," the dragon stated. "Why?"

"Rin's in trouble. They summoned us to help. They said that you could help us," I explained.

Kamihara Yuki sighed, looking down at the ground. "Let's sit down. Min, please be nice to our guests."

We all sat down in the living room, my mates seated next to me and Erin on my other side. Alpha Lorence insisted on standing for whatever reason. He was usually very lazy, so it was a welcomed change. Minori and Kamihara Yuki were seated together, their hands clasped together. "'re Rin's sibling?" I echoed.

"Yes, I'm their sister, twin to be exact. I'm sure you noticed the resemblance."

"I did," Evander mumbled.

"You can call me Yuki. I'm sure Rin never told you about me if you know them personally," she said with a sad smile. "They never wanted to acknowledge us."

"Us?" Erin asked.

Yuki bit her lip. My eyes widened slightly when I noticed her eyes were filled with tears. Minori reached out and smoothed a hand through her hair, whispering sweetly in some foreign language. It didn't sound like anything I'd ever heard before. "Rin rejected the Kamihara name and the rest of our family. It happened years ago, but it's still a fresh wound. I'm surprised they even asked for my help."

"Why do you think they would ask for your help?" Evander asked.

"Hmm, it might be because we share an ability."

"What power?" I asked.

Yuki sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. "Magnolias," she whispered suddenly, and my entire body ran cold. "You like magnolias. Right, Aaron?"

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