Chapter 29 - Good News and New Revelations

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Three days after Aaron marked us and Aubrey and I mated, our beta was called into a meeting. That left Aubrey and me alone to do whatever we wanted. That was until Wren found us outside and asked us if we wanted to meet him somewhere.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Oh, well, since all of our mates are busy at the moment, I figured this was a chance to get to know everyone. We're going to be around each other a lot, so may as well get to know you. Rin and Marie are coming, too. My mate's sister is going to be there as well, but don't mind her. Josh wanted me to keep an eye on her."

"Let's go," Aubrey urged me. "Aaron would be proud of us if we befriended his friend's mates."

"Alright," I agreed.

We both got up and followed Wren to a small clearing with a fire pit and some chairs. Rin and Marie were already there talking quietly. It was nice seeing Rin again. If I was being honest, I'd been worried when they didn't come around to my apartment anymore. To think that they'd been kidnapped and used for their powers... God. At least they were safe and had a mate who could protect them now.

I noticed a young girl who looked similar to Wren's mate sitting across from Rin and Marie. She kept tilting her head and staring at the two older people. When we arrived, she looked at us now.

"Aubrey, Evander, this is Joshua's sister, Ella. And you already know Marie and Rin," Wren introduced us.

"Hi," Ella greeted, offering a smile.

She was very cute, but the look in her eye made me wary. They looked like they'd seen far more than any kid should have. Like an old soul trapped within a young girl's body.

"Evander!" Rin exclaimed.

They jumped up and rushed over to hug me tightly. I chuckled and hugged them back. They pulled away quickly to gasp. "You're mated. I can smell it on you."

"Oh, wait! I see the marks now. Aaron finally did it huh," Wren chimed in.

"Yeah," Aubrey confirmed with a wide smile.

He'd been ecstatic ever since we completed the mating. I was glad he was so happy. I was too. Over the time I've spent with my mates, I've grown to love them more than I thought possible. I wanted to confess this to them at some point, but when the time was proper.

Aubrey and I sat down together while Wren sat next to Ella. "So, Rin, how has pack life treated you? Is Erin nice?" Wren asked the dragon.

"He's very nice," they agreed. "And the pack is, too. I really like it here."

"I'm glad," Wren said with a smile.

"Rin was just telling me about their life before you know what. They used to travel around the globe. Goddess, that sounds like so much fun. I've lived in this pack my entire life," Marie said.

"Yes, they were quite the traveler," I agreed.

"Well, I didn't like staying in one place very long," Rin said with a shrug. "There's always more to explore, so why stay in one place?"

"That makes sense," Wren agreed.

We talked about traveling for a bit longer before Wren's face suddenly brightened. "Oh! Marie," he gasped.


"How's the baby?" He asked eagerly.

Marie smiled and put a hand over her stomach. "I've started developing cravings like nobody's business. I'm sure it's driving Ryder insane, but he's been very understanding."

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