Chapter 24 - Rin the Hero

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We picked up speed to rush to the pack. As soon as we got nearby, I heard the shouts of pack members in the link trying to communicate as we were attacked. Erin and I jumped out of the van before it completely stopped and sprinted right for the fights. It didn't take long to find them, either.

After shifting quickly, I jumped onto a rogue wolf's back and tore into its neck. It dropped to the ground and I moved on. Rogue wolves seemed to be the only attackers, but I wouldn't be surprised if more people were lurking. Goddess forbid that shadow man come back around-

I really had to jinx it, huh?

I was suddenly on my back looking up at a shadow creature snapping its jaws at me. Using my paws to vault it off my body, I flipped back onto my paws and bolted past the creature to find its owner. But, before I could, two rogues jumped at me and pinned me down. I growled loudly, trying to bite at anything I could, but a pair of blood-red heels stepped in front of me. Shit. You've got to be kidding me.

"Ah, lovely to see you again, dearie," the fire lady cooed.

Her heeled foot stepped onto my muzzle and dug into it. I growled, still struggling to escape. "You took something very precious away from us, so we thought we'd return the favor. But, we also came for more." She knelt in front of me, a wicked grin on her painted lips. She'd be gorgeous if she wasn't so evil. "Our goal was never to kill the little girl, simply draw in as many of the prizes we came for at once. And it worked!"

Risking vulnerability - though it wasn't like I was already at their mercy - I shifted back so I could speak to this crazy lady. "What are you talking about? And how the hell are you still alive? We killed you."

She laughed loudly, then her hand shot out to grip my face between pointy nails. Geez, lady, get a nail file or something. "Oh, you didn't kill me, little wolf. You merely weakened me."

"You didn't answer my other question," I seethed.

Why was no one coming to help me? It sounded like there were still fights going on around me, but no one was even going to try? I attempted to link pack members for help but I got nothing. My face must've shown my confusion because the lady laughed again and let go of my face to roughly pat my cheek. "No help will be coming for you. But, to answer your question, Father requires us to retrieve some...special goods for him. And I've caught the first one!"

What? "What-" I began to voice aloud, but she sighed.

"Oh my, how dense are you werewolves?" The rogues still on top of me growled at that, but she glared and they whimpered quickly. "I suppose I can leave a bit of the surprise for you, but for now, let's get you out of here."

"Shit," I cursed and began to struggle and thrash around violently.

The rogues growled in warning but I ignored them. I couldn't move my arms because they were pinned to my sides, but I was able to turn my neck enough to sink my teeth into one of the rogues' paws when it shifted to maintain balance. They yelped as I dug in deeper, momentarily loosening their grip on me. I flipped them off and scrambled to my feet once the other rogue lost their hold on me due to the jerky movements. The lady smirked at me. "You can try to run, but it's futile. Father demands your presence, and I will obey his command," she said as if that totally made everything okay.

"Right, sure. Let me just hogtie myself so you can take me to your sick cult leader. As if that's going to happen without a fight," I muttered.

But before she could lunge at me, we both froze at the sound of a roar. It practically shook the earth. No fucking way. We both looked up only to see a large serpentine-like body in the air, and it was coming right for us. I scrambled out of the way once it was clear the dragon would be landing right in front of me, and it did. Once it did, I could clearly see how gorgeous it was. Iridescent scales mixed with silver and hints gold. Its body was long and curled protectively around me it seemed. I knew who it was.

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