Chapter 27 - Screw Him

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The Goddess really didn't like me, because a few days after I opened up about my family, I was called to my father's office. It was the first time he'd contacted me since we got back. I hadn't done much else aside from bond with my mates. I didn't care what he wanted, but I still had to go and see what he had to say. For all I knew, he had a sudden change of heart and wanted to be a proper father to me.

I doubt that.

I left my mates after lunch and made my way to my father's office. After knocking and hearing him say to come inside, I opened the door and shut it. My face remained cold and detached as I stared at him at his desk.

He briefly glanced up from his paperwork to look at me carefully. "Aaron. I need to speak with you."

"Isn't that why you called me in?" I asked.

He raised a brow at me but went back to his work. "Yes. James wants to pass down our titles."

"I see."

So, it was time for that huh? I had a feeling Alpha James had prolonged passing down the power until Erin had a mate. It made sense. Now, all three of us—Ryder, Erin, and me—had a mate and one of us already had an heir on the way. But, why now? Weren't we still in the middle of a conflict with the Eye? Even if we hadn't had any altercations in a few weeks, it didn't mean we were done.

"I advised against it," my father suddenly continued.

Of course, you did.

"None of you are ready and quite frankly, I do not see why James sees you as fit. A foolish judgment on his part."

"Did you invite me here to complain? Or are you going to get to the point?" I asked in an attempt to remain calm. My hands itched by my sides and I found myself wishing I had my mates with me to give me patience and strength. "Hurry this along. I have places to be."

"And where could you possibly need to be? You don't do anything," he asked.

"It's none of your business," I bit back.

He dropped it quickly, as I knew he would. "I only wanted to give you a heads up. The ceremony is being planned for sometime next week. Don't be late."

"Is that all?"

"No." He stood up and slowly walked over to me. "You have mates now."

"I didn't think you would pay attention to that."

"I would have to take notice. You're carrying on my legacy."

"Is your legacy really all you care about?"

He glanced at me but ignored my question. "You should introduce them to me. I want to see that the beta line will be passed down properly."

"Maybe if you didn't always prize your damn title over your son you would've already met them," I snapped.

Woah. Where did that come from? I didn't often show my emotions to my father. Why would I when he used to punish me for it? I'd learned to keep my emotions hidden and endure our brief interactions. But, here I was, speaking my mind. Had my mates really influenced me that much? Were they breaking down my walls?

I think you know the answer to that, Aaron.

My father's eyes narrowed. "Being a beta is more than just a title, but I don't think you are aware of that yet. And that is why I advised against passing down the power."

"You act as if you were completely prepared to become the Beta when you were my age. I doubt you were. I'm supposed to learn on the job. How am I supposed to become a good beta if you don't let me learn?" I challenged.

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