Chapter 25 - Babies???

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For once, my words didn't bring misfortune and pain. Things did die down, by a lot. Within a few days, the packs agreed to the plan Alpha James came up with and any werewolves with abilities were discreetly grouped closer together. Wren and Ella moved into our packhouse along with Joshua and Kit. Joshua refused to leave Wren against the wishes of his pack. I didn't bother to question it. I understood why he'd be so clingy if his mate and sister were in a different pack, in danger.

Luckily—or maybe not luckily—we weren't attacked again. In fact, at the moment, we'd gone two weeks without anything. Just...silence. Which was good because it meant I finally had the time to bond with my mates and settle back into my pack.

Falling asleep next to my mates had become one of my new favorite things, though I don't think I would ever admit that aloud even to them. Having a beta suite had the perk of a bigger bed, which was good for us. I'd quickly learned that Evander really liked to smother you in your sleep and Aubrey was a restless sleeper. The solution was if I got stuck in the middle, I'd just crawl out and let Evander latch onto Aubrey, and both my problems were solved.

Despite that, I liked sleeping with them. Evander helped me to fall asleep by running his hands through my hair and Aubrey's warmth was soothing. Though, if I asked Aubrey, he'd say that Evander was warmer. Meh, they were both nice. Evander had also started to sleep more often than before. He said he did it to spend time with us, and sleeping was enjoyable, and I didn't argue with it; I liked having both my mates around.

I was slightly surprised we hadn't grown tired of each other yet. We'd been together nonstop for the past month or so now. It felt like a lot of time, but it went by so quickly. Despite that, I still felt afraid that they'd grow tired of me. They were kissing a lot. I guess after that first time, and the talk, they became more comfortable with it. Aubrey would often peck Evander at random times and Evander liked to kiss Aubrey goodnight no matter if he was already asleep or not.

And it seemed they weren't the only ones getting all lovey-dovey. Meals were the worst. The entire friend group was coupled up now. Marie and Ryder had never really been ones for PDA, but after Rin, Erin, Joshua, Wren, and my mates started showing it, even they followed. Within two weeks, Erin and Rin had become even more affectionate. I thought they were already mushy, but now they were nauseatingly affectionate.

Like right now.

"Can you like, not do this in front of my food?" I asked with a frown.

"Stop being such a grandpa," Erin huffed. "We're not even doing anything."

I guess they weren't really doing anything. Rin was in Erin's lap and my best friend kept nuzzling the dragon's neck. At least they weren't feeding each other. That was just...ugh. But, they were still all over each other and kept kissing each other and laughing to themselves. We're supposed to all be having a regular meal in our favorite spot in the forest, but these couples were ruining it.

The pack had decided to do our monthly get-together for the full moon. It was an attempt to keep up some normalcy and to relax a bit. Currently, my friends, including our mates, were all seated in the clearing we used to love as children. Erin and I had felt the need to show our mates one of our favorite places so it worked out.

We'd set up a picnic blanket on the ground instead of using the large rocks in the clearing we used to sit on as kids. We'd brought a portable lamp with us that we lit as it became darker and darker as well.

Everyone was huddled up. Marie and Ryder were together with Ryder's head in her lap as they played with each other's hands. Wren was wrapped in Joshua's arms, between his legs, while the beta had his back against one of the rocks. Even my mates were cuddled up, though they were cute and were just leaned against each other. I was next to them, of course, but I was eating, so I wasn't going to be all gushy.

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