Chapter 31 - Well Shit

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It took me almost an hour to find my mates. I helped multiple people around the packhouse get medical attention, but I also watched many slowly bleed out. By the time I found my mates safely tucked behind the packhouse, I was ready to break down.

Evander saw me first. He was crouched with Aubrey in his lap, the nymph tucked protectively into his chest with Evander's arm covering his head. "Aaron," Evander called once he saw me.

Oh, thank Goddess. Not even caring that I was still injured, I ran over and dropped down in front of my mates. I grabbed Evander's face in my hands and turned it this way and that to assess any damage, then I brought his lips to mine and kissed him fiercely. He accepted the kiss and brought one of his free hands to run through my hair and pull me closer.

When we broke apart for air, I had little time to catch my breath before Aubrey was pulling me into a bruising kiss as well. It was a bit more awkward since Aubrey was in Evander's lap, but I didn't care. Why would I? My mates were safe. That's all I cared about. The kiss ended and I hugged both of them. "Thank fuck. Oh my Goddess. Are you two okay?" I rambled, looking over both of them once I pulled away.

"We're fine," Evander said. "I grabbed Aubrey and brought him here as soon as the shooting started."

"Good. I'm glad." I swallowed, trying to calm my emotions. "If I had lost you two, I don't know what I would've done."

"We didn't want to lose you either," Aubrey whispered.

I looked at them. "You mean so much to me. I've watched fated mates find each other and live happy endings, but I never thought I'd be this happy. I...I love you two. I don't ever want to think about you getting hurt or dying or-"

Evander silenced me with another—brief—kiss. "I love you, too, Aaron." He then turned his head to look at Aubrey and pulled him into a kiss. "And I love you, Aubrey."

The nymph giggled. "I love you both. You saved me from hell," he said seriously. "I could never thank you enough."

We sat in silence for a bit, relishing in the confessions. I wished I could pause the moment for eternity, but we all knew we had to get back to the matter at hand.

"What happened?" Aubrey asked.

"Suicide bombers. I think," I said, then frowned. "Honestly I'm not really sure what happened. I've been thinking about it but nothing makes perfect sense. I'm missing something."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. For now, we should go see how everyone else is doing."


I stood up first and they followed. Aubrey immediately jumped at me and wrapped his legs around my waist as I hoisted him up. "You scared me so bad. I saw the guns pointed at you and I thought you were going to die. And then Rin-" Aubrey rambled.

"It's okay," I whispered. "I'm okay."

I ignored the burn still flaring from my back wounds. I was alive and that was all that mattered. I carried Aubrey to the packhouse while Evander followed next to me. Having them with me eased the tension in my body, but I wasn't completely relaxed. How could I be when my pack had been attacked like this? Not just my pack, but also every pack that attended the ceremony. Goddess, how could we be so naive? A gathering of the most important wolves in the packs? All in one place? A perfect chance to disrupt the power of the packs.

How the hell do we win this fight if they know our every move and we barely know what they are?

The thought stayed with me as we made our way inside the packhouse. It was packed with people looking for loved ones and crying over losses. The way to the pack doctor was even more crowded. I fought my way through the crowds when I saw Alpha Kristen's tall frame against the crowd. Once I was near her, I noticed that she was crying. She noticed me and nodded her head at one of the private rooms. Was that where Erin and Rin were?

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