I Don't Wanna Know

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Title: I Don't Wanna Know

Summary: On Valentine's Day, Kagami and Luka want to ask their crushes (Adrien and Marinette, respectively) out. But there are some crucial things they don't know, or rather, don't want to know.

Genres: Teen Fiction, Romance

Mature: No


Author's Note: This story is inspired by the song 'I Don't Wanna Know' by Brian H. Kim and Dominic Bisignano for the show 'Star Vs. The Forces of Evil.' I don't own any rights to the song or the show. YouTube video credits go to the YouTube channel 'mélo.'

Lyrics are written like this.

Regular text is written like this.

Published on November 11, 2020


All my plans are falling apart

Kagami and Luka knew it wasn't supposed to happen this way. They were supposed to have a perfect Valentine's Day with their crushes. The fencer had an elaborate idea of asking Adrien out in front of the Louvre Museum, where they became friends for the first time.

The musician had asked Marinette to come to his place, Liberty. He had several songs ready for her and was going to confess his love for her. However, everything changed when Adrien and Marinette declined Kagami and Luka's requests to celebrate the day with them.

Now that I know 

His sister told him she found Marinette and Adrien near the Eiffel Tower, holding hands and doing other romantic things. Luka's jaw dropped. It can't be happening. No, it couldn't. His hands began shaking, and his heart started racing. He quickly grabbed his guitar and rushed out of the boat. He thought Juleka was joking. If he reached there, he could prove it to her that Marinette and Adrien weren't together.

You all can see right through me

Mrs. Tsurugi allowed her daughter to roam around Paris as long as she was back in time for dinner. Kagami was grateful since her mother was generally strict. She bade her farewells and left to spend time outside. The weather was just right; not too warm, not too cold. The sunset spilled throughout the sky with lovely heart-shaped balloons floating and flowers blossoming everywhere. A romantic atmosphere filled the area with couples kissing and proposing and having fun. Kagami was ready to buy a bouquet of roses when she saw two familiar figures strolling together.

And I don't wanna know the things that I've known

Luka raced through the Parisian public, bumping into people occasionally. How could he be so blind? Even after Mari confirmed she had no feelings for the model, her eyes twinkled every time she saw the blond. The way she danced with Adrien was much more passionate than anything she did with him or how it pained her when he was near other girls. Her friends claimed to have helped Mari get over Adrien, but Luka knew that she was still in love with him. And that feeling hurt a lot.

And I don't wanna see the things that I've been shown

Kagami was in denial. She rushed towards the silhouettes. She thought those people weren't Adrien and Marinette; it couldn't be. But then again, she should have seen it coming. She remembered the times Adrien brought Marinette to the ice rink when she wanted the two of them to be alone. Her heart pained to think of the days her fencing partner would blush when he saw the young fashion designer. Kagami thought that the dark-haired girl Adrien loved was her, but it was Marinette, her friend. This feeling tore her heart in two.

But I can't shut my eyes so I'll walk away alone

It's shocking how much one kiss can change so many things.

Luka paled when he saw his crush whisper sweet nothings to someone else. Kagami was on the verge of tears when she saw her crush lovingly wrap his arm around her friend's waist. They hated the way Marinette and Adrien kept toying with their feelings without knowing what their actions did to them.

The musician glanced at the fencer, and they shared a similar expression. Kagami was aware of the melodies and harmonies Luka strung for Marinette. Luka knew about the roses Kagami lovingly collected for Adrien and the matches she played against him.

Luka and Kagami thought they would celebrate Valentine's Day with their crushes. However, everyone can't get what they want. They still deny that heartbreak and love are two sides of the same coin.


Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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