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IT HAS BEEN TWO MONTHS SINCE THE BOYS LEFT. they had one final show left and all of the girls were going to see their final performance. all of the boys were excited to see them again except for zach who wasn't as happy as the others.

the rest of the boys noticed how nervous zach seemed when the day of the girls arrival came. they didn't know why though because zach never opened up to them, he would tell jack things but not everything, he would only tell sloane.

"daniel did you ask sloane if she would know what is wrong with zach?" corbyn asked. "he just seems so off lately, again, it's like they broke up all over again"

jack, daniel, corbyn, jonah, and eben were currently in the back of their tour bus while zach was sleeping in his bunk. so the five of them decided to talk about zach's recent change in behavior.

"yeah i talked to her, and she wasn't really sure but he told her that he loved her the other day and she didn't say it back so that could be why" daniel told them.

"paris told me that she just didn't want to have that conversation over text that's why she didn't say it back, not because she doesn't love him" jonah explained.

"okay but what did sloane say to him to make him think that she doesn't love him? because that's definitely how he took it" jack asked.

"she said that she didn't want to have the conversation over text, but that was over two months ago, like right after we left for tour" daniel said.

"well why is he still holding on to this? if it was two months ago. have they talked since then?" eben asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"yeah but not a lot" jack stated. "zach doesn't really want to talk, but he cares about her and knows that he really needs her in his life so he responds to her every now and then"

"wait- he doesn't text her first anymore? he waits for her to text him?" corbyn asked furrowing his eyebrows as jack nodded.

"sloane noticed that, but she thinks he just doesn't want to talk to her" daniel mentioned. "so she just stopped texting him frequently and just sends him a quick 'hey how are you' text"

"but doesn't she rely on zach for like her mental health and stuff?" eben asked as the boy nodded. "then how is that working right now because i know she's still getting hate"

"she's actually been texting me a lot more" jonah stated causing everyone to turn their heads. "i know it's weird, but i'm dating her sister and i told her i would be there for her and i want to make sure she's okay"

"no it's not weird, it's just different since she talks to daniel all the time" corbyn stated. "i'm glad she's talking to someone though"

"i personally think jonah gives better advice than i do so i'm fine with her talking to you" daniel said chuckling. "is she ignoring the herron's again though?"

jonah shook his head, "she was just over their house the other day to hang out with reese and she met alyssa when she was there"

"really?" jack asked. "did she say if alyssa was nice? or rude? good for ryan or not? i need to know man!"

"yo jack chill!" eben told the shorter boy patting his shoulder. "the only way to know is if you let jonah actually speak"

"she said she likes alyssa so it's fine jack so chill" jonah told him as the boy nodded. "but what are we doing about zach?"

"i think he's just embarrassed" daniel said. "think about it, he just admitted to being in love with sloane and her response was 'not right now' like i'd be crushed too if that happened"

"so i think the second sloane actually gets here and they talk he should be fine" corbyn said shrugging. "she'll be here in an hour anyway so we will see how everything goes"

"i'm crossing my fingers they get back together, zach is so happy with sloane, and he's been so mopey these past couple of months" eben pointed out.

"well that's also because they were fighting half of tour, and then broke up, and now i don't know where we are" daniel mentioned as the boys nodded.

"my head hurts from trying to keep up with all of this, i need a nap, but i know if i sleep i won't wake up when the girls get here and i want to see lav and gabbie" jack whined.

"just go nap, sloane will most likely be holding onto lav anyway because she wants kids and lavender is the closest thing to her own child she will get" corbyn said. "she also just loves her"

"i didn't know sloane wanted kids" eben said furrowing his eyebrows. "have i just not been paying attention?"

"apparently so, because that's ALL she talks about" jonah said laughing. "how did you not know?"

"guess he's not the only one who didn't know" zach said groggily as the others turned to look at the boy who just woke up from his nap.

"oh she's going to KILL you jonah good luck with that one" corbyn said laughing as jonah glared at him causing him to stop immediately.

"why? she didn't want me to know she wants kids?" zach asked confused as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"well she did" daniel started. "but then y'all like broke up so she didn't think that was important to share"

zach looked at the five confused. "what does that even mean? we broke up after australia"

"yeah and she was going to have that future talk with you then, but y'all kind of um stopped having a future" jack explained.

"are y'all actually stupid or something?" corbyn exclaimed. "this was something sloane was supposed to tell him not us! shut the fuck up!"

zach rolled his eyes and shrugged. "it doesn't matter anyway she doesn't love me anymore so we aren't going to have that talk"

the five boys looked at each other raising their eyebrows at one another but then turned back to the youngest boy who tilted his head towards them.

"what are y'all hiding?" zach asked intrigued.

"nothing! nothing at all!" eben said gritting his teeth at the other older boys who were bound to say something. "we are going to go get food before the girls arrive, you want to come?"

zach shook his head, "nah i'm just gonna stay back, but can you get me some chicken tenders or something?"

the four nodded and walked off the bus as the younger boy went back into his bunk silently hoping that the girl he cared for, still cared about him.

yeah so the boys can't keep a secret
bye loves <3

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