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"so i know you don't want me to say this but...what's going on with you and sloane buddy?" jack asked zach smirking causing the younger boy to look at him confused.

the boys were currently walking out of the hotel they were staying at and were on their way to an interview they had. this was their last interview before having to pack so that they could get ready for sloane's event.

"we are broken up i'm confused as to why you are bringing this up since you know she broke up with me" zach said continuing to walk down the stairs.

due to zach's fear of elevators he refused to use the elevator but didn't want to walk downstairs alone so he made jack come with him while everyone used the elevator.

"yes but she invited you to her release party and you said you would go so something had to be going on" jack pried. he really hated when zach and sloane weren't talking. they were both his best friends and he hated the obvious conflict they were having.

"dude she only invited me because she wants you guys there and knows that y'all would want me there, i'm the pity invite" zach said sighing.

jack stopped walking and stared at zach with the are you kidding me look. zach noticed jack stopped walking and turned around to look at him. "what?" he asked.

"wHaT?" jack mocked zach scoffing. "dude she said she WANTED you there what don't you get? she loves you zach you're the one who fucked it up and she is literally giving you another chance to fix your mistake don't fuck it up AGAIN"

zach stood there with a blank facial expression like he was trying to process everything jack just told him and once it sank in he gasped. "SHE STILL LOVES ME" he yelled.

"yeah say it again i don't think sloane heard all the way in la, a whole other country dingus, people are trying to realx" jack said rolling his eyes and walking again.

"oh right, sorry" zach whispered but a smile once again crept along his face as he then sped up to jack to walk beside him and hummed happily.

once they got to the lobby and met up with the rest of the boys, daniel, jonah, and corbyn all turned around to see the very happy brunette humming with a smile on his face.

"hey happy dwarf what's with the whole humming thing?" daniel asked chuckling at the boy.

"yeah this is the happiest you've been in two weeks what's going on?" corbyn asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"nothing, i'm chilling broski" zach said as he winked and walked out the door to the van that was taking them to the interview with a huge smile on his face.

"okay jack what's up with him he hasn't smiled like once in the past two weeks. all of his smiles were fake so what did you say to him?" jonah asked.

"i may or may not have told him sloane still loves him, which is obviously true! we all know it!" jack said looking at daniel.

"why are looking at me? i wasn't going to argue with you of course she still loves him she told me herself" daniel said shrugging.

"wait she told you that?" jonah asked turning to daniel.

"yeah we were on facetime yesterday and zach somehow came up and she said she still loves him but she also doesn't want to because of what he did" daniel said.

"i love sloane i really do, but i kind of think she overreacted a bit. the whole taking a break because of willow was always confusing to me" corbyn said while scratching the back of his neck.

"nah zach deserved it. he was texting willow and lying about it so he broke her trust, and then he went out with kay and said he could possibly see a future with her when he shouldn't see one at all" jack said as the boys started to walk out of the lobby and go to the van.

"yeah you've got a point, but they are miserable without each other, paris said that's why she invited zach to the release party because she wants to see him" jonah told them smiling as he thought about paris.

"well let's just hope this goes over well since jace just posted that thing about the song calling sloane his girl" daniel said as the rest hummed in agreement and walked into the van getting ready for their interview.

bye loves <3

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