C H A P T E R 5

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I laid back in my chair while being engulfed in my thoughts, so now that I've got a gist of how Karl is like, he seems pretty chill. But it would be pretty boring if everyone already predicted what I chose for his Love or Host. Ehh, I'm too tired for this, I'll just figure this out tomorrow.

I stood up, did my nightly routine and went to bed looking forward to the Love or Host the day after tomorrow.


TIMESKIP TO THE DAY OF THE LOVE OR HOST brought to you by Karl's fluffy hair

(NOTE: I haven't fully watched his Love Or Host since I was asleep during it and- let's face it, it goes on for so long)

"WELCOME TO THIS WEEK'S LOVE OR HOST, FEATURING KARL JACOBS!", as Austin announced it, the background music started playing and there were cheers and claps from all of us.

Well, I'm really nervous and these women are really intimidating, but then again, I shouldn't let it get to my head. I thought as I waved to my screen, greeting the people in the call and chat.

As we all did our intros, and the eliminating process went on, I got more and more nervous. But I was also really surprised that I wasn't eliminated yet, I made it to the last three.

"The person that is getting eliminated is, MINX!" that shocked us all, since usually Love or Host is about the content. George and this other person I've never met before, Quackity I believe, made some side comments, until that is, Minx's answer was revealed.

"MINX CHOSE HOST!" I burst out laughing, me and Minx don't really know eachother that well, but we've talked and bonded a few times after that one time where I came onto Schlatt's Love or Host as a friend.

"YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF PUSSIES!" shouted Minx. At this point I had tears in my eyes from laughing too much.

"I swear to God Karl, if you don't choose Y/N, I will-" she cut off as she left the call on accident. "Well, okay, moving on. Karl will go on a date with both lovely ladies and make his decision after, who would like to go first?" asked Austin.

"Tricia, would you mind going first? I gotta go refill my water bottle real quick." I looked at her and smiled. Obviously that was a lie, I just wasn't mentally prepared yet since I never even thought about getting this far.

"Oh, sure, I don't mind going first," said Tricia. "Cool thanks, I'll just turn off my webcam real quick," I turned off my webcam and relaxed on my chair as Tricia and Karl's date went on.

Tricia asked Karl some trivia questions about Harry Potter and other stuff, looks like it was going great. I still wasn't really sure what I should talk to him about, seeing as I didn't really prepare to get this far into the show.

"Time's up! Y/N I believe it's your turn," announced Austin, as I turned my webcam back on. "Alright! 2 minutes and 30 seconds on the clock, GO!"

"So, hey Karl. This might be awkward since I didn't really prepare anything," I nervously laughed. "Nah its cool, I didn't see this happening either," he joked with me.

"Man, I'm usually have a pretty boring life, but you seem really chill, Karl."

"Oh man, so if I'm the chill in your boring life does that mean your calling me chill and boring at the same time?" he pretended to sound hurt.

"What- no- oh haha real funny. Anyways, I usually travel a lot so maybe we could meet up someday and like, game and shit, I saw it in your stream once that you loved gaming- I mean duh you mostly stream on the DreamSMP but yeah, if you ever need a gamer girl for clout, I've got you covered my dude." I winked at him. Why did I do that.

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