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Quackity's P.O.V

Well fuck.

Thinking to myself as I popped another piece of gum into my mouth. There wasn't much to think about honestly, it was pretty clear, she told us how she'd do this yet I haven't heard from her since the last time we talked.

I would reach out to Karl but I wouldn't want his sorry ass to start feeling bad.

Chewing on the gum, I was on the road, driving to nowhere basically. I decided to go on a drive since staying at home made me feel too nervous.

"Maybe I should've tried harder.." I mumbled to myself, immediately regretting the thoughts that came after.

No, we both agreed to let her choose- she just went with the flow, I should be happy for her.

Yet here I was, having regretted not doing more. Some friend I was.

Bzzt.. Bzzt.. Bzzt..

My phone, it had been going off since a few minutes ago. I turned it on silent, yet the person on the other end must've been really eager on getting me to pick up.

Letting out a huff of annoyance, I reluctantly accepted the call, putting it on speaker as I continued to focus on the road, "Hello?"

There was a bit of shuffling noise on the other end of the call before they spoke up, "Quackity? Are you there?"

Dream. "Yeah, no shit. Who else wouldn't chuck out this phone and answer the spam calls you've been sending?"

He lets out a laugh, "Good to see you're all fired up and not moping somewhere,"

I stayed silent as I waited for him to talk, not letting my anger and annoyance get the best of me.

"Anyways, you should head home right now, I have something waiting for you and it needs you to sign it,"

I raised my eyebrows at this, "So you spam called me for a package you sent over?"

"Yup. Go get it, also you gave me your address a few weeks ago to send you stuff," he pointed out as I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember, I'll go back now. Hey.. have you heard from-"

"Patches is eating my papers, I have to go!" he cut me off as he hung up.

Okay? I thought as I started driving all the way home. Honestly, home wasn't as far as I imagined it to be. Probably because I was just driving around the neighbourhood in circles.

As soon as I got home though, I saw her sat on the steps of the front door to my home.

She got up as soon as she saw me and flashed me the biggest smile ever, which I couldn't help but return.

Y/N's smile, it was infectious.

Y/N's P.O.V

I couldn't help but stand up as soon as I saw him, a smile making it's way to my face.

His own smile joining mine upon seeing mine. A smile that I'd protect.

Quackity parked his car and got out as soon as possible, running towards me.

We immediately embraced each other before pulling away, "Y/N, It's good to see you!"

"It's good to see me too!" I joked as he lets out a chuckle, "Okay, now go back to where you came from,"

We both let out a laugh as I held his hand, "Come on, let's go to that beach I know you know about that's nearby,"

"Creepy. But then again, you probably got that off Dream. Why are you here, by the way?" he asked as we both walked to his car, him getting in the driver's seat and me in the passenger.

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