C H A P T E R 4 6

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"Damn.. talk about not wanting an ego boost,"

"AND ON TODAY'S- HEY! I don't need an ego boost!" he said while chuckling.

"Here we go again.." I sighed and smiled as we redid the bit again.


A few days have passed since me and Alex did the chill stream. We've gotten really close and even hung out in discord calls when we're not streaming.

Karl called me these past few days too, mostly to rant about how upset he was that he couldn't join me and Alex,

"This is literal dog water," whined Karl for what seemed like the 50th time. I let out a chuckle as I laid on my bed with my phone beside me, "Karl, you've said that like- 10 times today,"

"Yeah? Feels like I haven't said it enough,"

"We've been on call for 20 minutes.."

"Stoppp.. just let me complain in peace," he grumbles as I let out another chuckle. "Oh yeah, you're still living with Dream right?"

"Yeah, I just realised you haven't explained why he's here yet," I replied as he lets out a scoff.

"Y/N, I swear- shouldn't it be obvious? It's cause I care for you and I don't want you to be lonely without me,"


"..and also because I lost a bet with Dream.." he mumbles as I let out a laugh.

"So the punishment was a free plane ticket to my place?" I questioned as he lets out a hum in agreement.

"If the alternative had happened.. nah I'll let Dream talk to you about that," he teases as I groaned in annoyance.

"Man.. what's up with you guys and all these secrets?" he lets out a giggle,

"Y/N, you may be apart of the gang, but you're not fully IN the gang yet, y'know what I mean?"


He lets out a dramatic sigh, "You'll know soon, it's only a matter of time. Anyways, I still can't believe I'm not able to hang out with two of my favourite people,"

I hummed before replying, "But haven't you been hanging out with like- Chandler, Chris, Jimmy and the others?"

"Well.. yeah that too. But like- you guys did chill streams! All I had to do was record videos with them," he mumbles.

"FUN videos," I corrected him as he lets out a scoff.

"But like.. do you.. feel anything change?" he asked, sounding as if he were beating around the bush.

I raised an eyebrow in suspicion, "Change?.. I mean the only thing that changed was my viewer count," I joked as he lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay, well. That counts too, I mean.. do you.. like- uh.. like him more than me now?" he asks quietly as I almost couldn't hear it.

I laughed at his sudden shyness, "Aw.. Karl was that what you were afraid of?" I teased as he stayed silent.

"To be honest, I haven't really given much thought on who I like better y'know? Part of it is because I don't wanna hurt either one of you guys," I said honestly, as Karl lets out a soft chuckle.

L I G H T S || KarlJacobs/Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now