C H A P T E R 3 1

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For a moment, he looked sad and disappointed to be leaving just like that without properly saying goodbye to Karl, but remembers why and frowns again, "It's your choice on whether you want to tell him or not. And I fucking hope that you don't hurt him as much as you did me.." he mumbled the last part.

And just like that, he opened the door and left, leaving me speechless.

One by one, tears started to roll down my face as I fell down to my knees, crying.

I had lost my friend, all because I was selfish with my emotions. I had lost someone who would use all the cuss words in the world to cheer me up. I had lost him, who would read me and know exactly how I feel.

I had lost Alex.


I heard a knocking on the door. Unsure how long I've just been laying on the floor. I ran out of tears but the ache in my heart did not stop.

Said person knocking noticed that the door was unlocked and just like that the door was slowly pushed open,

"Y/N!" yelled out Karl, dropping some stuff onto the floor and rushing over worriedly.

I hated that he had to see me like this. But the ache and guilt I had was just too much. At this point I'd much rather the ground just swallow me whole but that's just too good to be true.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Karl asked as worry took over his expression. He gently carried me to the couch and checked to see if I was hurt physically.

The sweet actions that he showed me just made me crack, this was too much, I don't deserve his kindness. Tears started rolling down my face again as I tried to hold back my sobs.

Karl holds my hands upon seeing the tears and just held me close to him, "It's okay. You can let it all out, I'm here now," he said in a comforting matter.

That made me feel even worse but somehow a bit better knowing how comforting he was being.

Just enough to push me over the edge, I let it all out. I cried and cried in his arms as he rubs my back and tells me repeatedly that everything was gonna be okay.

Oh how he would regret saying that like how Alex did when he finds out.

Me and Karl just sat there on the couch, him leaving only to get me a glass of water and to also get a few blankets to wrap me around.

He didn't ask what was wrong. He just started playing Harry Potter on the TV and asked me from time to time whether I needed something.

I calmed down a bit after my breakdown, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I probably would've broken down if he had left too, not to mention he would've been devastated.

Whenever I was debating on whether I should tell him or not, Karl would look at me from the corner of my eye, knowing full well on whether I was gonna tell him or not.

I never got to tell him that night, as I fell asleep from exhaustion after Karl noticed me deep in thoughts for possibly the 30th time that night and just held me in his arms.

I woke up in my room the next morning. Hoping that it was all a dream. But as I noticed the bedsheet beside me looked untouched, I knew that this was in fact a reality that I would have to face.

I did my morning routine as usual, my breath hitching as I noticed the puffiness in my eyes. Deciding it was better if I didn't wear any makeup since I had to tell Karl the truth today.

I walked out to be greeted with the smell of pancakes, Karl already sat down on the dining table, waiting for me.

He put his phone down and sent me a small smile, "Hey, I got us breakfast," he said as I sent him a smile back.

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