C H A P T E R 2 1

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"Alexis, you are unbelievable," I said looking at him as we stopped in front of my car, trying not to laugh but failed miserably.

"But you love me," he said jokingly as he placed a kiss on my hand, which caused me to roll my eyes but still blush nonetheless.

"Love is a strong word.. Your tolerable!" I said placing a kiss on his cheek before letting go of his hand and quickly going into the drivers seat, laughing as Alex held his cheek blushing while walking over to the other side.

He mumbled something under his breath as he gets in, "What was that?" I asked him, starting the car.

"Nothing!" he said as I shrugged it off and started our journey to a nearby dining place.


Quackity's POV

I held my cheek whilst walking over to the other side of the car, not even bothering to cover my blush now. These damn butterflies- her beautiful laugh isn't making things easier either.

"I hope you'll love me one day.." I accidentally mumbled under my breath, SHIT.

She asked me what I said and I replied quickly telling her it was nothing. Glad she didn't question it.

During the entire car ride, we were both just silent. I decided to scroll through twitter to pretend to not notice, but it was pretty awkward and noticable.

We'll just have to talk this in the diner later I guess.

I felt my cheeks heat up again at the thought of the kiss that happened.

Why did I do that?

Back to Y/N's POV

Yeah, it was pretty awkward. I just kept my eyes on the road while Alex was on his phone. I felt my phone vibrate, probably got a message or something.

After I parked my car, we both got out still not talking to each other, or even looking at each other's direction.

We went into the diner and ordered some food. But even after that, it was just silence between us.

Alex clears his throat, causing my to look at him, my cheeks heating up, not exactly expecting to make eye contact with him immediately.

"So.." he begins, "the kiss.." he breaks eye contact after that, probably feeling embarrassed to bring it up.

We were supposed to be adults for fucks sake- I sighed before saying, "Yeah, I get it. It was just.. in the heat of the moment right?"

He nods and smiles at me slightly, "Yeah.. no hard feelings?"

I flashed him a grin, "Yeah, besides, we barely know each other that well to start like- being exclusive or something," I said as he lets out a small chuckle.

Little did I know, we both involved some form of feelings during that kiss.

"Well.. we have about.. 5 more days to do that properly?" he said raising his eyebrows at me, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, and- OH," I smirked as he still avoided eye contact with me, smiling.

"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" I added as he lets out a chuckle, "I mean, you said it! Not me!" causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

"Okay, smartass. But I'm afraid that's not gonna be possible- you see, this might be the last few moments that we're alone together," I said watching as his expression turns into one of disappointment before he looked at me wide eyed, realizing what I had said.

"No fucking way! You got someone else to fly over here?" he asked, now it was my turn to avoid eye contact in case I ruin the surprise.

"Well, I mean. It wouldn't be flying over here? I mean, for all we know, Carson could be tagging along for the next 5 days?" I said as he lets out a laugh,

"Knowing Carson, he'd rather gift you 50 gifted subs than third wheel-" I swatted him gently on the arm as he put his hands up in surrender before adding, "Hey! His words, not mine!"

I laughed and shook my head as he said, "So.. wait, that surprise is tomorrow, and you did say we have a few last moments with each other.. AND YOU PLANNED THIS WITH KARL JACOBS!" he said a bit too loud with a huge grin on his face.

"Shh! Not too loud!" I said shushing him, but can't help the smile creeping up my face at how excited he looked.

"Okay, so. It's either we're dead after a few moments-" he said in between laughs, which caused me to laugh along, "Or.. Karl is flying over here!" he added which caused me to stop laughing and was trying hard to not let a grin on my face.

"..Not necessarily, I mean, I could be planning with Karl and someone else for someone to get here.. or like you said, we could be dead?" I looked at him as I raised an eyebrow, not even bothering to cover the smirk I had.

"If I had to choose between Karl or someone else flying over, or you hiring a hitman to get rid of me and you in the process, then I'd rather choose Karl, thanks," he said laughing.

"..Or neither because neither could be happening and I could be making this up cause either I had something else in mind, or I just didn't wanna go on a date with you?" I said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Ouch. That hurt. But I doubt you'd say no to my charms otherwise," he winked at me as I rolled my eyes laughing with him.

Our food finally arrived and we both ate while talking about what kind of pet I should get.

Ray texted me asking where and I sent her an image through snapchat. "Might as well post that as a tweet later, this whole 'we didn't actually meet up' bit is kinda dumb," I said as he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, by the way, are you gonna vlog?" he asked making me almost choke on my food.

After I let out a small cough, whilst Alex just let out a chuckle, I replied with, "Nah, I'll just snap a few dumb pics of us and post them to twitter, that should be good enough right?" I looked at him for reassurance.

He smiles and nods once more, "Yeah, I was thinking of doing the same thing too. Although that means we'll have to do a bunch of dumb shit for the next 5 days?" he said raising an eyebrow with a mischievous expression appearing on his face.

"Oh, we'll be doing a bunch of dumb shit after you see your surprise tomorrow," I said smiling at him, not caring if I reveal it now since he basically got it.

"So I was right! Karl is flying over!" he said excitedly I couldn't help but let out a chuckle once again at this sight.

"We're just gonna have the same conversation all over again, so don't jump onto conclusions just yet, wait till tomorrow," I said pointing a plastic fork at him before continuing to eat.

He lets out a groan as he said, "But that's gonna take forever!" then proceeds to eat.

I laugh at his childish behavior, "You'll get through it just fine," he rolled his eyes at that jokingly.

And just like that, we spent the rest of the night talking about random stuff, awaiting the surprise tomorrow.

-1187 words

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