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"Wait! Can we talk after my stream ends?" asked Alex as I nodded, "Sure, I'll be watching,"

"Great, bye Y/N," said Alex as I disconnected.

I stretched in my chair for a bit before going to unlock the door, noticing that Karl had already left to probably rejoin the call.

I sat back down on my chair and pulled up Austin's stream to watch the rest of Alex's Love Or Host.

All while being happy that things seemed pretty okay between me and Alex.


After grabbing a cup of water from the kitchen, I proceeded to watch Minx and Quackity's "date". Karl hadn't bothered me ever since Alex started up his stream, most likely cause he was gonna bother Minx and Alex instead.

I laughed so much during the livestream, especially when they both realised the age gap and the height situation between them. Yep, definitely glad Alex chose Minx.

I felt my phone vibrate on my desk as I went to retrieve it, a text from Clay.

clout giver
hey, just wanted to check if ur alright?

clout chaser
aww is someone worried?
im fine btw

clout giver
lol u wish
just asking since u and quackity had an awkward date

clout chaser
lmao i'll show u awkward when i join the sidemen

clout giver
im kiddinggg
oh no please dont actually ditch us

clout chaser
u actually suck

clout giver
that line sounds familiar

clout chaser
ur right, could u refresh my memory for me?

clout giver
ur lucky we grew up together

clout chaser
nope. doesn't ring a bell

clout giver

clout chaser

clout giver
ur welcome for cheering u up
btw when is karl leaving??

clout chaser
tmr why???

clout giver
no reason just thought he'd moved in by how long he's been there lol
actually are u keeping him there against his will??

clout chaser
dream.. clay.. pissbaby..
the next time i see you
i will
your ankles.

clout giver
kinky 😳

I decided to leave it at there as I rolled my eyes, smiling. Despite being the idiot he is he definitely knows how to cheer me up.

I continued watching the stream until Alex decides that he had enough content and was gonna raid Minx and end stream.

I heard footsteps coming my way as I braced myself for what's about to come,

"Y/N!" yelled Karl as he bursted into my room.

I raised my hand and threw him a sheepish grin, "Yes, that's me, Karl Jacobs,"

L I G H T S || KarlJacobs/Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now