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"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyways, I'll talk to you later," he said as I hummed in response, "Yeah, I'll talk to you later,"








I let out a laugh before proceeding to message Ranboo.


"Uhh.. so remind me again why we're going mining?" asked Ranboo as I let out a sigh,

"Y/N said she apparently lost all her stuff to GeorgeNotFound while they were fighting in the nether," replied Tubbo,

"Oh, right right.."


"..Why were you and GeorgeNotFound fighting again?"


"I watched a bit of the stream, she made Gogy jealous by blabbering on about Dream staying at her place and then George pushed her into lava," said Tubbo, calmly.

Ranboo lets out a chuckle, "Oh, what an unfortunate thing to have happen. To be on Gogy's bad side," he teases as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm still getting him back for that. I had everything on me!" I complained as I continued mining iron along side Ranboo and Tubbo.

"I mean.. you don't really have to mine any of this, Ranboo's rich," said Tubbo innocently.

"Uh- Well- I mean sorta- but-"

"RANBOOOOOO PLEASE GIVE ME STUFF!" I made it so my character was facing his while crouching, "PLEASE! I HATE MINING SO MUCH,"

"I'll help, Y/N. Ahem. Ranboooo, please give me some stuff," pleaded Tubbo as Ranboo lets out another chuckle.

"I mean, I'll give Y/N SOME stuff- but wait Tubbo why are you asking for stuff? I already gave you a lot," asked Ranboo.

"No no. I know that! I mean give it to me so I can give it to Y/N, duh," reasoned Tubbo, causing me and Ranboo to let out a laugh.


"For the sake of favouritism," Tubbo said smoothly as I shook my head while laughing.

"Tubbo. I would've canonically adopted you if Schlatt wasn't your head canon father," I said as he lets out an "Aw.."

"Mm.. I could actually see that happening- actually, you could still be a head canon mother to Tubbo-"

"Fuck off, Ranboo. Schlatt is the LAST person- actually I wouldn't even CONSIDER him as a last resort," I said disguted, and before Tubbo could intervene, I decided to add,

"And no, not even platonically,"

Tubbo and Ranboo let out a laugh as I smiled at the two.

The three of us then find our way out of the cave as Ranboo placed an enderchest down to give me some iron and diamonds.

"Hmm.. hey, Y/N. Have you ever considered joining Snowchester?" asked Tubbo as I raised an eyebrow.

"I can't, I'm joining Technoblade's thi-"

"AHA SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING THIS IS A DISTRACTION!" yelled Ranboo as my eyes widen, realising that that info wasn't announced by Technoblade himself yet.

L I G H T S || KarlJacobs/Quackity x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें