Swapped Roles- Part 2

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Major Roles: Former/Alternate Taco, Former/Alternate Bow, Marshmallow, Apple, Test Tube
Minor Roles: Former OJ, Former Paper, Former Pickle, Former MePhone, Alternate Microphone

The setting is somewhere on Inanimate Island. The time: the first of June, 2012. (Just for perspective, a good majority of the fic takes place in 2020.)

Marshmallow: Where are they..?

F. MePhone: MePhone says hold your breath for 10 minutes!

F. OJ: What?

The three remaining former contestants hold their breath, those being Pickle, Taco, and OJ. Marshmallow silently waits for the former eliminated contestants to arrive, but they still don't show up. Past Pickle takes in a sharp breath of air, then sighs in defeat.

F. MePhone: It's down to OJ and Taco!

The past version of OJ seems as if he's about to lose, when Taco faints. OJ seems startled.

F. MePhone: OJ WINS! That doesn't happen often!

Test Tube: Marshmallow, you seem... pretty alarmed?

Marshmallow: This is a completely different timeline from before!

Test Tube: Oh golly, this is bad. Maybe it's been altered somehow!

As Test Tube's mind jumps around, she comes to one possibility.

Test Tube: This isn't the timeline that we know and love. This is one that's modified! Let's just go forward and see what happens....

They travel forward, but they come to a stop after seeing that OJ wins again. But.... it's not Taco that he won against. The eliminated contestants are cheering for OJ, but instead of Pickle on the other team, it's Marshmallow. Then they see the sign that former Marshmallow stood by..

Bow. This was a timeline in which Bow was second place to OJ. And Taco.... seems to have gone crazy. Or maybe that was just the Taco that was hidden beneath her former facade. But she seemed... off. And Bow? She did something that she wouldn't have otherwise, Out of anger, Bow begins to express the fury she felt.

Bow: Stop cheering, dummies!

OJ: What..?

Bow: I was made to win! I had plans, I had goals!

There is a chorus of confused muttering.

Bow: You've all been bamboozled! I'm not a dummy! That was.... uh.... strategic! I guess! I only pretended that I was just some dummy! So that the viewers thought I was cool!

(Former) Marshmallow: I don't understand..!

Bow: Of course you don't. I only just brought it up. And I would have won if it weren't for that... Mexican food!

Taco: Ha.

Taco had already given up the facade.

Bow: Shut it! Lucky for me, Phone-y Boy isn't here! I'll take that!

Bow runs off with the case. The whole MePhone 4S thing goes down, until the point where Bow would have gone to take down 5.

Pickle, somewhat sadly: If only there was somebody cunning enough to take him down!

Pickle looks at Taco. Taco looks back at Pickle.

Taco: What?

Pickle: You!

Taco: Fine.

Taco goes running for the cliff, ready to take down 5. She spits her final lemon, but as the two phones fall, 5 grabs Taco by the ankle in an attempt to take her down too. Taco flails her arms for the edge as she falls. The air is flooded with a long, pained, slightly British scream, one that dissolves away as it is drowned out by the sounds of sparks. Soon: nothing.

Test Tube: Surely the effects on the present aren't too bad!

The trio, being Apple, Marshmallow, and Test Tube, teleport to that timeline's future, just to see Microphone. And Bow.

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