Experiment Gone Wrong- Part 3 (Finale)

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Before we begin, just know that this is not the finale of the book! This is only the finale of this "chapter." I put chapter in quotations because this "chapter" is technically three.

Starring: Test Tube, Red
Minor Roles: Paintbrush, Gold, Fan, Paper, Yin-Yang, Microphone

It is five days past the first day of Experiment Gone Wrong. It is a foggy morning, and it had rained the night before.

Test Tube packed the small bottle into a bag. The antidote. She went to go take Red Fan from Paintbrush.

Test Tube: Hey, Paintbrush. I'm here to take back Red Fan. We're going to go find Gold and forget this ever happened.

(Red Fan, in the background: Finally!)

Paintbrush: I'll go get him.

Paintbrush grabs Red and places him into his wagon.

Test Tube: Also, please don't tell anybody about this.

Paintbrush: Gotcha.

Test Tube pulls Red out the door swiftly, and the duo sees something gold zoom into the forest.

Red: That must be me! After him! (That's confusing.)

Test Tube dashes toward the forest, causing the wagon to shake and Red to fall on his face.

Red: Ow.

Test Tube props Red back up against the wagon's back wall and the duo continues on their journey. They eventually make it into the woods. They see a bit of beige in a bush, but disregard it. Beige isn't gold, after all. Hours of looking passed. The sky was getting darker. Orange light shone through the leaves as the sun began to set.

 Orange light shone through the leaves as the sun began to set

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Small drops of rain fell from the sky. They tapped against the metal wagon. As Test Tube stepped, twigs fallen from the trees above snapped below her feet. The duo glanced around the forest until dark. Eventually, they heard talking. But not the mad giggling of Gold. It was Microphone. Test Tube, already on her guard, made a run for the opposite end of the forest. Suddenly, the wheel of the wagon got snagged on a rock. Test Tube tumbled forward, and Red fell out of the now-tipped wagon. The wheel had come clean off.

Test Tube: Red! Are you alright!?

Test Tube picked up Red in her arms, noticing the fear in his eyes. Tears of fear and sadness began to form in them. Test Tube's own eyes formed tears of pity, along with the same fear and woe as Red's.

Test Tube: I'm sorry I failed you. I'm so sorry...

Red: Hey.. it's alright. We could go back to this tomorrow, it's no big deal....

Test Tube began to get up, her hand over a crack that formed below the first on her cheek. Her eyes widened with realization that she didn't know where to go. She sunk back to her knees in defeat.

Test Tube: Fan... we're lost.

Her voice was higher, the tears in her eyes were more. Test Tube felt as lost as she was. She picked up Red for both of their comfort. Red sobbed, causing Test Tube to do the same.

The duo... trio? The group heard sobbing. Sobbing that sounded exactly like who they were searching for.

"Did we find them....?"
"Of course we did, numbskull!"
"Cooperate, you two. OJ didn't send you two to argue."

They weaved between trunks of trees and through bushes. Soon enough, they stumbled upon Test Tube and Red. Sobbing in the rain.

Paper: Guys..?

Test Tube and Red jumped a little at Paper's voice. Their eyes directed themselves toward Paper and Yin-Yang. They got further apart, so that they were still close, but not huddled up against one another. Paper's pink and blue lines bled down in places due to the rain, and Yin and Yang were speckled with droplets of water.

Yin: I'm so glad you two are okay!

Yang: If they died, we could just get MePhone to recover them and save us all the trouble.

Yin: Yang! That's rude.

Paper: Please stop squabbling, you two.

Test Tube: H.. how...

Paper: It's a long story, but basically-

Two cat-like eyes shone in the dark. Out leaped Gold, smiling like a maniac.

Paper, Yin, Test Tube, Red: Gold!?

Test Tube then noticed the bottles on the floor, miraculously unharmed.
The antidote.
Test Tube, regaining her strength, gave a bottle to Gold and gave one to Red.

Test Tube: Gold, drink that!

Gold: On it!

Gold placed the antidote to his lips and drank it. Test Tube had Red drink the antidote and they both glowed. They swirled around each other and, in a blinding flash of light, Fan was there, stunned.

Test Tube: Fan!

Test Tube dashed to Fan, who was whole again, and hugged him tightly. Fan wrapped his arms around Test Tube in return and began laughing. Test Tube joined. Not because something was funny, but out of joy. Tears of joy formed in both of their eyes.
After all, Fan was whole again.

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