Mind Manipulating Minerals 2

318 7 1

Ohoho shoot

Starring: Trophy, Tissues
Minor Roles: Soap

It's early in the afternoon, and warm outside, but that's unimportant because the setting is Hotel OJ, in Test Tube's room. Microphone is away.

Trophy was looking for a certain... something. He didn't know, but Soap needed it. He was looking in drawers for this.. item. He thinks it was a calculator? He didn't know for sure, but Soap needed something with some calculator, he thought. His search wasn't going well. He'd found a bow tie with a button on it, but he didn't find much else. Except...

Except a cyan glint in the corner of his eye. He swung his head toward it, and sure enough, he saw a cyan, typical diamond-shaped gemstone. Actually, no.

He saw two. He actually saw four at this point, but that was just him. One other thing he saw is that they got closer to him. No, he got closer to them. His legs were moving and he couldn't make them stop unless he focused really hard, and even then, they just started again and went faster when he got tired. He, out of his control, reached for them, and picked one up. He turned it gently until he was face to face with a horrifyingly sharp point...

which charged toward him with the help of his arm. He used the arm that wasn't in the gem's control to stop it, but remembered which side was facing him when he felt a sharp pain in his middle paw pad. He tried to stifle a scream of pain, but it came out as a muted squeak. Good enough, he didn't want to be heard like this. He just needed to get that calculator, patch up his paw, and be on his merry way.

Trophy: Alright. Calculator.

Then his mouth started moving against his will.

Trophy: Or maybe...

He forced it to stop.

Trophy: No! Calculator, then forget this happened. Two steps, it should be simple.

He had no luck, but hey, the gems were gone! Although his arms had moved before, but that's unrelated, isn't it?

He walked back to his room, with no luck in his search. He arrived in his room to see Tissues laying on his own bed. His arm then reached into his hollow head, and pulled out a large cyan gem. Which had put itself in his head and forced him to forget about it.

Trophy: Shoot.

Tissues noticed Trophy's distress.

Tissues: What's being shot?

He was asking what was bothering Trophy in his odd way.

Tissues: And what's with the gems?

Trophy: Leave. This isn't good.

Tissues decided on the bathroom to put himself in.

Now that Trophy was alone, he pulled out the other gem (of his own accord).

He placed them on the floor, grabbed The Hammer, and braced himself. Just as he swung, it suddenly stopped. Before he knew it, it'd crashed into one of his handles. Or, perhaps, though it, since there was a strip of metal laying on the floor behind him. Before he could stop himself, he shouted. His vision went blurry, and cyan around the edges. He felt... angry. Furious, even. At himself, and at Tissues for just hiding. Before he knew what he was doing, he sprung up and started beating on the bathroom door.

Tissues: What now?

He opened the door, just to have Trophy tackle him, out for the blood that neither of them owned. Using the little strength the sickly box owned, he kicked Trophy backwards so that his head banged against the bottom of the bathtub. Trophy let out a whimper and came back to his senses. He felt dizzy.

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