Experiment Gone Wrong- Epilouge

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Time to find out how the others found out about Test Tube and Fan!

Starring; Fan, Test Tube, Yin-Yang, Paper
Minor Roles: Microphone
It's the night that Part 3 ended at, at around 1 (in the morning). It's still raining. The setting is the living room of Hotel OJ.

Fan and Test Tube are having cups of hot cocoa, a blanket around each.

Test Tube: So how did you two.. three.. find us?

Paper: Well, even if you probably told them not to, Paintbrush got a little concerned because you were out for so long and told OJ that you two were gone, and about the situation.

Fan was silent, processing the fact that he now remembers what both Red and Gold went though. Test Tube was a little angry that Paintbrush told, but also relieved.

Paper: OJ only told the three of us, Yin, Yang and I. He thought that we'd be the best for a search party. I know why Yin and Yang, but not why myself. But I digress. So we set out to find his red half and you, first and foremost, and then the gold half.

Yin: We're really relieved that you're ba-

Microphone enters the front door, then shortly after dashes upstairs, both of which being suspicious.


Yin: As I was saying, we're glad that you two are back.

Paper: We should get to bed, it's getting late...

Test Tube: Good idea.

Fan had finally snapped out of it.

Fan: I agree!

The four.. five? The group parted, saying their goodnights and telling each other to have sweet dreams. As the moon shone through open blinds, the now empty living room was softly illuminated. There was an unlit vanilla-scented candle on the coffee table, as well as some empty mugs that once held steaming hot cocoa.

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