A game of truth or dare- PRE CHAPTER

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Hello! This is not the actual chapter, but YOU can play a part in creating it! However, you need to include who it is addressed toward and who is asking, which needs to be any contestant/post-contestant other than Apple, Bow, Dough, Marshmallow, and Taco. All you have to do is comment a question (truth) or a dare right....


Highlight that word and add a comment there! If I want to add a new chapter before that one comes out, I'll do so, but A Game of Truth or Dare will NOT be cancelled! Y'all got 48 hours since this is posted, and if under three comments are posted, I'll wait until three are! This chapter will be either the most uncomfortable or the most cute, or the most otherwise, and you can decide!

P.S, keep it SFW, please. I'm not dealing with it otherwise.

AFTER 48 HOURS: Since there aren't three of anything in the comment section (other than replies to a single thing), we'll wait until we have three. And, to clarify, you have to specify who gives the truth/dare, as out-of-universe objects wouldn't really make sense in this scenario. Thank you!

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