Makeup Makeup

284 7 3

Starring: Salt, Pepper
Minor Roles: Nickel, Paper

It is a warm evening, and the setting is Salt and Pepper's room, in Hotel OJ.

Nickel was furious. It wasn't hard to see why, as his lips were red and his eyelids were dark with eyeshadow. His lashes, less visible before, were now looking a little bit like the legs of a spider. A spider who went way overboard on the cookies. His cheeks were pink. Hot pink. And by hot pink, any onlookers would mean flaming, perhaps boiling pink. And so were the contents of Salt's hands.

Pepper: I thought we agreed on a purple dress.

Salt: I could've sworn you said pink.

Pepper: I know what I said.

Salt: Well it doesn't matter now, because, we're, like, doing pink.

Pepper: You said we were doing purple like I asked. To my face!

Nickel was heading to the pair's bathroom by now, to wash the disgustingly vibrant powder from his face. As he passed Pepper's bed, however, he noticed a picture of the (dating back to a decade ago, dynamic, now dysfunctional) duo. Although they were far younger then, they looked so happy. Eh, he didn't care about the personal affairs of a couple of senseless shakers. He walked into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly behind him. Meanwhile Salt and Pepper were still quarreling.

Salt: What if I, like, lied?

Pepper: I'm your BCFF! You wouldn't lie to me.

Salt: Oh, I thought you didn't want to be, since I started liking OJ.

Pepper: That's because I'M supposed to be your best friend! As I had been for years!

Salt: You're limiting me with your desperate clinging to the past!

Pepper: Limiting you!? In the 14 years we've spent as BCFFs, all I've done is bring you up!

Salt: Well, like, you know what!? You've lost your streak!

Pepper: Are you just going to throw away 14 years!?

Salt: It's been 14 years too many!

Pepper: Maybe you're just salty I try harder in this friendship!

Salt: I can't, like, believe you! You think you try so, like, hard, and you think you're so great, but you keep me away from the people I enjoy being around!

Pepper: I was sparing your feeling! OJ doesn't want you, Salt! All he ever tries to do is get away from you!

Salt: That's wrong! That's wrong and you're a liar! Now I'm going to be around somebody tolerable!

Pepper: If we keep fighting, we'll both do something we'll regret!

Salt: Do something you'll regret!? Like what, deck me in the face!? You've threatened me before, but you don't have the guts!

Pepper balled her fists, but then she came to a realization. She truly didn't have the guts. So she was left standing, disbelief and anger in her firm lilac eyes. She knew then that she'd already done something that she regrets. She watched as Salt walked out the door.

Nickel: That's rough, bud.

He walks out, uncaring. As the door shuts, Pepper finds a seat on the soft carpet as her eyes began to blur with warm, salty tears. The only way to make her see straight were to let them drip down her face.

And so she sat and cried. Eventually, however, she figured she needed to get her act together. This was just a basic fight. The kind of fight that passes quickly. She got up, and walked to the bathroom. She placed her hands on the counter, although it was wet from Nickel's clumsiness. She dried it off, then put her hands back. Then she looked in the mirror and realized that she couldn't get a friendship mending pep talk from somebody with black streaks on her face, from the mascara that Salt had helped apply. She wiped it all away, reapplied it, and tightened her glossy wine-colored lips.

It wasn't long before she felt good enough to go down there and tell Salt what she needed to say. No, she wasn't going to escalate the fight. She was going to apologize, because she'd started the fight. Clearly she should finish it. She opened her smooth, white door and went down the stairs to find Salt drinking at the kitchen bar. Of course, she was drinking what appeared to be soda, probably provided by Paper, who was washing some dishes, because apparently sugar was good at numbing emotions or something. Apparently it didn't work, because the second Salt heard Pepper's lower paws on the tile, she tensed up in visible anger, sparking some concern in Paper. His eyes drifted to Pepper, and his expression suddenly switched to one that was seemingly in conformation of something. He was just going to let this play out, because he knew how it would end.

Salt spun around in her barstool.

Salt: What do you want?

Pepper: To say sorry, Salt.

Salt: What? Why are you saying sorry? I should be saying that.

Pepper: I was part of the problem, so yeah, I'm apologizing for it.

Salt: I'm sorry too, Pepper, and I accept the apology from before.

Pepper: And I accept yours.

Pepper opened her arms, signaling a mutually apologetic hug.

Salt: I don't do hugs..

Pepper: Oh..

Seeing Pepper's evident disappointment, Salt reconsidered her choice.

Salt: Who am I kidding? C'mere.

Pepper dashed toward Salt and wrapped her arms around the latter, their glass bodies clinking softly as Pepper's top paws pressed into Salt's back. After not long, Salt reciprocated the embrace, but even as argument came to a sweet conclusion, she heard a sniff. She pulled Pepper to her front to see black stripes on her face.

Salt: What? Why are you crying..?

Pepper: I'm just so happy to end this...

Salt: I guess...

Salt sniffs as the gravity of the situation pulls tears down her own glittering glass face.

Salt: I'm pretty happy too.

The duo closed themselves back into their embrace, and even though glass and metal were supposed to be cold and hard, that hug was probably the warmest, softest thing they'd felt in a while.

Sorry it's not a request, I just had this idea and wanted to go through with it <:]

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