Stormy Skies

924 21 4

Starring: Paper, OJ, Balloon
Minor Roles: Pepper, Baseball, Knife, Nickel, Paintbrush, Box, Cheesy, Cherries, Dough, Fan, Microphone, Soap, Suitcase, Test Tube, Tissues, Trophy, Yin-Yang, Bomb, Bow, Pickle, Salt

It is 2:14 PM. It had been storming for two hours before now. The weather is cold, humid, and rainy.

OJ had been sleeping for the whole day, only getting up to grab some thin mints from the kitchen and going to the bathroom. Now, he was finally awake, sipping coffee from his "World's Best Hotel Owner" mug. There was a faint light coming from between the now open blinds, illuminating dust in the air. The living room was pretty much empty, until...

There was screaming from upstairs. The lights had flickered off. But nobody was about to kill somebody, and no muffins were involved. The only thing as menacing as that would be was the booming of thunder. Everybody dashes downstairs, hiding under couches and doing things of that sort.

OJ: Guys, it's just a bit of a storm-

Somebody knocks at the door. OJ goes to open it, and outside is

Balloon: Hey OJ! Just thought I'd stop over here and... (my note sheet is all smudged.)


Everybody who didn't compete in season 2 or was eliminated prior to episode 5 screams. Suitcase has a look of pity.

OJ: You should come in. It's raining harder than last time. I'll get a towel.

OJ comes back with a towel for Balloon. Balloon dries off and takes a spot on the couch, thanking OJ all the while.

OJ: It really is no problem. Anybody want tea?

Just about everybody raises their hands, except the armless contestants, who shout "Me!"

OJ: So that's just about everybody then! 22 cups of tea, coming right up! Blankets are in the closet, if you need any. Wait, did Box want any?

Lightbulb: I think so!

OJ: Alright. 22 it is.

Balloon sipped on his tea thankfully, next to Baseball and Knife, though the two of them kept their distance. Lightbulb and Nickel were chatting, but Nickle- er, Nickel, wanted no part in it. Nick Le, on the other hand, was smooshed against the glass, screaming words of offense, but left shortly after. Box was watching Paintbrush and Cheesy argue about what's funny any what's not, while the Cherries were sharing a cup of tea and speaking to Fan. Microphone and Soap were chatting, while Suitcase and Test Tube were arguing about something Test Tube saw while time-traveling. (Do note, this takes place after episode 12 rather than 13.) Tissues was trying to compliment Trophy, but kept sneezing before anything actually good came out. Yin-Yang went to talk to Tissues, and Bomb stared out the window. OJ and Paper were chatting about their recent tea-making, and also if OJ's crack from yesterday had healed well. Salt and Pepper were chatting away about social media, and Pickle was staring into the woods gloomily. A candle was set in the middle of the coffee table, releasing a soft, warm glow, like the one from five nights before, only smaller. The bad weather was dying down. There was a calm atmosphere in the room. The lights flickered on for a second, then back off.

Paper: So, OJ. Mind if I talk to you about something..?

OJ, with concern: Sure, I'm all ears.

Paper: What happened back there..? Yesterday...?

OJ: I have no clue. All I know is that they wrecked the place, tied me to a chair, and killed a bear.

Paper: But what on earth made them do that..?

OJ: I did hear a probably-gone-insane Trophy suggest the idea to the others. The only thing I heard was "He didn't give US what we deserved." That and "MePhone can bring him back anyway."

Paper: They were plotting to kill you!?

OJ: More than likely.

Paper: ....I'd ask Lightbulb how the crack she got is doing, but she seems to be doing something else.

Paper leans on OJ slightly. OJ gives Paper half of the blanket he had, still under the other. They watched the softly-spoken conversations of the others drone on, each taking small sips of their somehow-still-hot tea. They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, but looked away, flustered, shortly afterward.

There is rain beating at the windows, pitter-pattering against the roof. On occasion, a bolt of lightning would light up all in the path of the window it could be seen from, but leaving one side of them still in darkness. Inside, on the other hand, was warm, with air that smelled of the soap used on the blankets, a delightful smell. The candles still set in the middle of the coffee table still stood with their warm flames letting off a warm glow on the contestants' faces. The atmosphere, since the few arguing pairs stopped fighting stopped fighting and everybody was chatting about good things, was just as sweet. Even if this went on for hours, they were the calmest hours that anybody had experienced in days. When the weather cleared up, Balloon was sad about having to leave. Or so he thought he had to.

Balloon: I had a good time here, I really did, but most of you guys don't want me here.

OJ: Actually, about that. I think that you should stay. There's a room for you upstairs, it's pretty basic.. If you want to, that is.

Balloon: Really..? Oh, thank you OJ! I'll.. head there now?

OJ: Go ahead.

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