Chapter 20 - What we used to be

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In-ha's POV

"Ye appa, arasou yeo, anyeong." (Yes, dad, I understand, goodbye). My parents have been bugging me about the marriage offers I received and honestly speaking I don't want to think about it. Hanging my head low I entered the living room, I saw Minji and Woo young discussing about business reformation and expansion.

"We need to decrease the number of loss we have gained last year. We lost billions and we can't affored to commit the same mistake." Minji explained and Woo young is listening attentively. He then placed a folder in front of Minji, automatically catching her interest.

"What is this?"

"Do you remember last year when we were in a Cheomyang dong sponsoring an art gallery exhibition for local artists who graduated abroad? Well one of the participating sponsors, Mr. Kang owns a hotel in Jeju Island which is quite under developed..." Minji cut him off, always the impatient one.

"Cut to the chase Woo young." Woo young let out a sigh, not happy he was interrupted.

"I know how much you have been dying to own a land in Jeju so Mr. Kang place his hotel and land for sale and I am glad to tell you, we bought the land." He smile happily at her.

A glint of appreciation made an appearance in Minji's Eyes. "Very well, we shall construct both a resort and an adjacent golf course. I will leave you to settle the arrangements and report back to me."

Woo young nodded and he noticed me. He gave me warm smile and gestured me to join them. I came to their direction and plop to the couch opposite of them. They resumed their business talk until it was around seven we had our dinner and Woo young spent the night with us, claiming there still a lot of things to organize.

Waking up before my alarm can go off sucks. I'm really not on top of my game lately, maybe because of my parents' nagging, Minji having a love life and I don't, hey don't get me wrong i'm happy for the girl that she has finally have a life outside of work. I most likely blameThomas. I didn't realize I was so attached to him and finding it difficult to remove him from my routine especially when he's always hovering over me.

God I hate my life, why don't the earth just explode right now.

Sighing heavily I made my way to the kitchen. I sat in one of the chairs and joined Woo young and Minji. We were almost done when the door rang, Ajumeonnhi opened the door. I was busy digging into my Omurice (Omelet and rice) I didn't notice Lewis leaping his way towards Minji and planting a lasting kiss on her cheeks making Woo young choke with his food.

"Malhaji ma..? (don't tell me) Woo young yelled spitting his food. This earned him a glare from Minji and a satisfied grin from Lewis.

"Aish... deoleoun..." (damn it... so dirty) I gave him a reprimanding look and standing up from my seat to go outside.

Once outside I went to get inside the car when a hand stopped me. Annoyed already, I gave whoever grabbed me a defeated look.

"What? If you don't mind can you remove your hand please." It caught my breath a little, avoiding him as much as possible is helping me and him confronting me is not good.

"Hey In-ah can you meet me up after school, I really need to tell you something. With avoiding me like a diseased man is not helping my case either." He pleaded, his eyes overflowing with emotions.

"Whatever. After school right." I said dimissively at him.

Attenting to classes and going to every single one of my subject just like any other day. You think just because Thomas came to me an ask me to talk to him will make me distracted and jittery, well your wrong. I may be an airhead but I refuse to be weak, I am Choi after all.

Clearing my books from my desk, Thomas came up to me. He lead me behind the school building. He turned around, took a deep breath and started to talk. "In-ah, if I did something wrong that made you angry at me, I apologize but it's killing me not knowing what caused this you hating me."

"I saw you kissing a girl in the parking area of the school." I said, since keeping it from him is useless. He stared at me with wide eyes and he's blushing from neck to ear. Unbelievable.

"No need to have cold sweats Thomas, I know i'm being unreasonable. I admit I did like you and witnessing something like that is pretty much disappointing but I learned to get over it. Now that I got it off my chest, I feel a lot better now."

"You... you.. like me? Since w.. when?" He stuttered but manage to asked me. 

"That's not important. This can go in two ways, one, we can go back to what we used to be.... being friends or two,.... we can ignore each other and limit interaction between us." Giving him a straight look.

He looked at me with a frown, "What? Why do you sound like Minji anyway and no, neither of the two."

Hearing him say that hurts a lot, seems like trying to save even our friendship is impossible now. I prepared myself to leave when he grabbed and hugged me, very tightly. I tried to struggle but he won't budge. "Thomas, let go now." I ordered him.

"No, knowing that you like me and liking you back makes the situation different now. You see I like you and The girl you saw, she's Cassy my ex-girlfriend." I tried to wiggle out of his grasp again.

"You're not helping your case." I told him through gritted teeth.

"When she kissed me I froze but it doesn't mean anything. It over between us a long time ago and I'm sure it will stay that way." I can feel his heart beating.

He then told me about the Cassy and Jason incident and how they settle it by sending him to jail. I didn't  expect things to turn out this way. At the end of his talk he held my hand into his, he gave me seroius gaze and spoke, "don't put off the like you feel for me and let me reciprocate it. I know the situation kinda mess things betwen us but i'm sure as hell that i like you to be with me."

"There are things you don't know about me, like my origin and backgro..." He interrupted me by clamping his hand over my mouth.

"How bad can it be and besides we will get back to it soon but for know this is more important." I hugged him for being so adorable. I guess I am now a girlfriend of an American boy. Mian,(i'm sorry) appa, omma.(dad, mom)

 A/N: I can smell the love in the air and I can see pink auras. Next chapter will be the revelation to Lewis and Thomas who their girlfriends are and how influecial they can be. See you next chapter. Lots of love <3

Heiress of the centuryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon