Chapter 7 - Welcome to the neighborhood

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Lewis' POV

        Remembering what happened in the library yesterday made me chuckle. To Debbie it may be horrible and embarassing but it amused me. She could have gasped, srceamed or even ran away but she chose to throw a book near us.  I noticed Thomas browsing in the internet and I walk towards him. "hey tom, what are you doing?" Peaking in the screen.

"oh nothing, just familiarizing with korean culture and food, maybe learning a word or two." He shrugged without taking his eyes off the screen. "Why the sudden interest?" I asked taking the seat next to him. "Well, I might have become friends with a couple of Korean girls yesterday and I wanna learn more about their rich culture." "So which one of the two you are interested with?" I directed at him, he blushed scratching the back of his neck, he's such a dork. Thomas is a nice guy, good looking and popular with girls but he's just so timid like a bunny. I haven't seen him sleeping around and when he is in a relationship he acts like a really comiitted guy so who ever caught his attention is a lucky girl.

"Her name is Choi In-ha, she's one of the Asian girls living two blocks away from us." "I'm glad for you Tommy." I smiled at him and patted his back. "Hey while you're at it can you find the translation of Byeontae babo." "yeah sure, where have you heard it anyway?" I just shrugged his question. "It means perverted jerk, Lewis". I laughed and shook my head, Thomas turning his head at me with a questioning look.

 My mother entered the room and called our attention. "Hey mum" Hi Aunt Gracey"

"boys, I want you straight home tomorrow after class. I invited our new neighbors for dinner, okay"

Without second thought, Thomas stood up and faced my mother. "Really Aunty, so what time are they coming?" "Around 7 pm, why?" " nothing just wondering if you need any help." He said looking shy. "It's okay Tommy just be early tomorrow."

Parking my car in my usual spot, I got off my car and made my way to go inside the shcool building. I was about to push the door open when I saw the korean girl who bumped into me two days ago. I approached her to say hello. " Hi there, do you remember me? I'm Lewis Scotte by the way." She turned to me and gave me a small smile. "Yes, I'm really sorry about the bumping incident. I'm In-ha Choi."  So she is the Asian girl who hooked Thomas. "That's okay, so you coming to the dinner tonight?" She looked confused before realization hit her. "Oh, you're the family inviting us over and I believe Thomas is your cousin". She inquired, we were talking to each other when she called out to her friend. " Minji, where did you go? I've been waiting for you. Oh and this is Lewis Scotte, Thomas' cousin." She went beside her and looked up to me, I gave her a smile but she raised her eyebrow at me. " Hello, I'm Lewis and I believe we met already and this is the third time." I gave her my best smile that will make girls swoon over me but her face remained expresionless. " I'm Minji and sorry I tend to forget the faces of those who I have no use of. " This time it's my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure, I mean our second encounter is pretty unique and I must say quite unforgettable." I smirked and teased her.  She was about to say something back but  In-ha intervened saying that class is about to start. I shared a class with her and I must say she's smart, solving mathematical equations with ease and precision. then lunch came, I tried to strike a conversation with her but she kept her answers to a minimal and she always had her attention on her phone and that pissed me off, why is she ignoring me.

She really caught my interest, questions like why is so cold and stoic? Tonight at dinner I am going to learn as much as I can about her. She's like a secret that needs to be uncovered.

Texting on my phone the door bell rang. I heard my mom greeting and welcoming our guests. Entering the living room I saw In-ha talking to Thomas and my mother while In-ha is outside talking to her phone. I heard her talking in her mother tongue but she sounded serious her voice laced with concern. I stood behind her and cleared my throat. " Everything alright?"

" Yes, everything is good."

"hey listen,  I know that I'm not the type of the guy that you usually would associate with but I really wanna be your friend and the whole time you spent in school I know you have In-ah as your only friend. So can you give me a chance?"  Hands in my back pocket, I asked her honestly, she paused looked me in the eye and nodded. " Okay Lewis, you sound sincere and i'm not here to pass judgement if that's what you do during your free time that's you business." I smiled at her, a smile that I didn't know I have. I lead her inside to eat dinner when mom called us.

My dad sat at the head of the table my mom on his left then Minji and In-ha. I am seated  on his right with Thomas beside me. " Ladies this is my  husband William  and I hope you like the food I prepared". My mom prepared mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, oven roasted chicken and  raspberry tea. " I am actually looking forward to experience western food, Thank you Mrs. Scotte" In-ha commented. " Please dear call me Gracey." 

"we brought Bupyeon, it's a traditional korean sweets made from glutinous rice with sweet fillings and covered in powdered beans" Minji stood up givingmy mother a package of pink silk cloth and gave her a small smile. " Thank you dear". "You're welcome."

"where are you from?" my dad spoke while cutting the chicken in his plate.

" Minji and I are both from  Seoul, South Korea."

"how did you guys became friends"

"Our ancestors even during Chosun era are good friends, our family is old and was origianlly merchants and was involved in small business. In-ha is the 23rd generation and i'm the 21st. This time Minji explained. Maybe that is the reason why she is so business like in carrying herself.

"what about your parents?"

"Both my parents are well and living in Seoul with my dongsaeng." (little brother) In-ha answered.

"I am living with my grandmother, she is also in Seoul. My parents died when I was 9 years old." Something flashed in Minji's eyes but she quickly covered it. " oh,i'm sorry dear." "It's okay Gracey, it happened a long time ago."

The dinner went on smoothly asking questions from time to time getting to know each other. I am actually glad with the dinner I somehow got a glimpse of Minji's life. After the dinner they bid farewell, we offered to take them home but insisted that it's only a short walk. I felt a force of push within me to know more about Minji and i know for sure that I'm gonna act on it.

A/N: Hello! I know it's not a good chapter but please bear with me. I promise I will let you peek on Minji's past and what happened to her parents. Again thank you for reading. Kudos!

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