Chapter 8 - Cold and Sharp as scissors

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In-ha's POV

        A lot of people are wondering why I always stick with Minji. They say she's heartless and blunt. She have the knack of humiliating people, i'm not gonna sugar coat it because it's true but if you look past behind it all she is the type of person that when she takes the liking to you then you're one lucky doll. Yes we may have our differences but I guess we kinda meet each other halfway. Remembering our first meeting was just like yesterday. 

4 years ago in Seoul, South Korea

   "abeojineun naega kago sipji anh-a!"  (Father, I don't want to go) I yelled at my father while crouching at my bathroom floor.

"In-ha, we talked about this many times over. Get dressed and be downstairs in an hour or I will get your mother to deal with you." Finality in his voice.

Hearing about my mother gave me goosebumps. Don't get me wrong, She is a good mother, attentive, loving, caring and I love her but she's your typical asian tiger mom. Very dominant, she makes my dad look as if he does'nt own a pair of balls even if structurally he have.

"Appa, appa, appaaa....." (daddy) I whined prolonging the last syllable for dramatic effect. "What will I do if I go in there? I may be your first born but we all know that Dong joo will inherit majority of your share in the company. What if they started talking about stocks and business stuff and they asked me, am I supoosed to answer the weather is nice today?"

"It's never too late to learn, In-na. I know your smart and you're starting your business education soon along with the granddaughter of Hwang Conglomerate even if both of you are younger compared to others."

Who is this Minji kid anyway? I have heard Appa talked about her a lot lately, on how increadible she is to comprehend complex business plans and report on the other hand he keeps on pointing what I lack making me feel crappy. I guess going to business fair isn't so bad maybe this will knock some sense to my parents that I am not taking the same path as them.

"Jeon ah, naega galgeoya  (fine, i'm going), I don't want to embarrass you and mom. You know how destructive speculations and gossip can get. Walking pass him.

We arrived in the convention building of Hwang conglomerate an hour later. The building is elegant and classy. Once you stepped inside you can feel the change in the atmosphere. High ranking business men sizing each other, your value is determined on how big and successful your company is. Luckily for my family we have been in this run for a very long time same with the Hwang family. The heavy oak door opened and an old authoritative lady came in, she reeked power, money amd status. Everybody in the room started to scramble to greet her, giving her the spot light in the room. Behind her followed a young girl maybe around my age with a blank face. The old lady came towards us smiling at my dad.

"Have you been well In suk? You should visit me more often, you know we can talk other things besides business". She gave my dad a warm smile.

"Manim Seo wa, thank you for asking. If my schedule permits it I will drop by in the next 2 or 3 days."

"Very well." She then turned and greeted my mom. " Yoo rae dear, it's so good to see you, lovely as always. This must be In-ha, very pretty just like her mom and Dong joo better grow up fast we need good people like your dad in our side. Winking at my brother.

"This is my grand daughter Minji, she's not much of a talker but it would be nice if you can be friends with her In-ha, Dong joo."

The party is on full swing, Thinking that I am stuck here for another two hours I went to the couches to sit and relax for the mean time. I was waiting when Bona approached me. She isn't really your friendly neighbor type of person, if you're not up to her standard then she will treat you like crap. "In-ha, anyeong." (hello In-ha) She greeted. "Bona, what can I do to for you?"

 I don't like her

"Oh, you haven't heard, about our latest clothing line. Aren't reading or even watching the televion".

I hate her.

"Nope, too busy lately."

"With what?" She snorted. "I heard from my dad that without your mother's threat you woundn't even come here more so in involving yourself in your family's business."

I despise her.

"Exactly, i'm to busy avoiding the push and pull tendedcies of my parents. I have a simple dream Bona, I don't wanna be my parent's puppet."

"You're so naive and boring In-ha. What is your use to them then, well besides being another mouth to feed?"

I abhor her. Yes, she definitely should be included in my hit list.

"Do not group my parents with how your parents thought you should be. They are far more human than thinking of their child as a possession they can use to expand their business." I pointed my finger at her.

"My parents are not like that, you have not only proven yourself to be worthless but also stu..." she wasn't given a chance to finish her speech when someone spoke.

" dagchyeo, dangsin-eun sikkeuleoun nyeoseog iya". (shut up, you're being a noisy brat) Her voice was not loud but oozing with status. She was facing forward her back to us, without standing or even looking at us she continued." You sounded like you have discovered the cure for cancer. Your petty ideas you gave to your parents are not even that impressive. I mean really socks made up of leathers, are you trying to make shoes companies ran out of business? "

"How dare you, who are you anyway. Don't stick your nose to someone else's conversation."

"You're just too loud actually, I think even people from Jeju Island can hear you. No need for names, you're gonna forget it anyway."

"You! Do you know who I am, I am the daughter of Dae..."

This time she stood up, strided towards us and we saw who the person was, Hwang Minji. Bona's eyes went wide and she paled, she almost collapse but stood her ground not to embarass herself further.

"I know who you are, no need for you tell. Your parent's business and achievements are not yours, you better establish something first before you ran your mouth and trash talk to somebody. Understand me?" She was now standing three feet away from Bona. And the peacock cowered, nodded her head and went away.Maybe she finally understood that she's arguing with Hwang Minji, she's not gonna win, hell just even hearing her name can intimidate you.

"Hey, thanks Minji."

"why are you thanking me?"

"well, you defended me and destroyed her. It was awesome by the way.I totally respect you."

"I interjected for personal interest, she's being a bother and I cannot review my documents, do not misundestood." She explained  raising an eyebrow at me.

"Still you took my side." I beamedat her.

"Bird brain." She muttered passing beside me and disappearing into the next room.

Present Time, LA

I liked her from then on, everytime my dad visits her house I tagged along. I always talk to her, read with hear , sometimes I thought of myself as a stalker but spending time with her gave me the opportunity to understand her more.

"Minji, remeber the first name you ever called me?" I asked her while she's making tea. 

"Bird brain."

I smiled at her with adoring eyes. 'What, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You totally remembered, I knew it, you like me too. Don't deny it and don't you dare lie to me. I'm so happy right now." 

"Bird brain and an airhead, not very flattering a tall". She directed at me and went to her room shutting the door close.

A/N: Book bugs! As promiseda glimpse at Minji's past and sort of some explaination why In-ha and Minji are friend despite being polar opposite. Enjoy!

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