Chapter 19 - Love Connection

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Minji's POV

Taking a walk near the park and breathing fresh air, l felt my phone vibrated. 

"Minji, babe,  where are you? I'm outside your house." I received a text from Lewis.

Honestly, I don't know how to be a proper girlfriend. I have never been involved with someone else but I do not regret anything.

I texted back Lewis, "I'm here in the park, will wait for you here."

After a while I felt lips on my cheeks, I looked up and saw Lewis beaming at me. He sat close to me and enclosed me with his arm.

"How long have you been here? You should have called so I could have gone here earlier with you." He said with his lips touching my temple. I never imagined I would be this intimate with a guy. 

"It  was not really on my plan to come here but I got really nothing to do I decided to take a walk." I explained to him, his hold on me still firm.

We were engulfed in a comfortable silence then Lewis suddenly spoke. "Minji remember before you were attacked in the school, I envited you to a food trip but we never got into it since a lot of things happen. What would you say if we go tomorrow?" He plays with the hem of my shirt and seems nervous.

I held his hand into mine, " I know you're nervous so am I and I would love to go with you."

"Okay then babe." He sighed in relief.

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I got out of the bathroom and currently picking out what to wear with Lewis  today. I chose a purple jean leggings, grey round neck shirt with off white button up wind breaker jacket and black ballerina flats. I was doing my hair when In-ah knocked on my door. "Come in."

"Where are you going with Lewis? He is down stairs waiting." She asked raisng an eyebrow.

"We're going for a food trip, it was planned a long time ago but got held up because of the attack at school."

She went silent for amoment before shooting up from my bed. " Minji, are you guys together? The way Lewis call your name is kinda different."

"Yes we both decided to be in a relationship after I confessed to him." I answered her without hesitation or denial.

"Heul! (Woah) You confessed to Lewis, chugha haeyo!.(congratulations) That's maybe the reason why you're aura has become lighter. I am happy for you Minji." I can feel the sincerity in her voice and the look in her eyes.

"I think so too In-ah, Lewis made me more human." I smiled at how far I have changed.

Getting down from upstairs, Lewis met me and gave me a sweet kiss on his cheek. We got out of the house and headed to his car. While driving he held my hand and hummed.  We arrived at a diner called Sizzlers. He opened the door for me and lead the way inside. Once inside we were assaulted by the smell of home made pie, burgers, fries and other typical food served in a diner. We took the seat near the window. "This is a good diner, i've been coming here since I was a kid with my parents. They serve food that will take you to cloud nine." I gave a smile and nodded.

A young waitress came to our table to take our order. She's a red head and pretty, I also noticed that Lewis caught her eye and kept looking at him. I am impressed on how good looking Lewis that he can attract a woman without uttering a word.

"Hello guys can I take you order?"she gave us a warm smile. "Yes, can you give us meal number 9 and number 7 for my girl here." Lewis instructed her and she went to prepare our order.

"Hey Lewis, where's the bathroom I need to attend to my business." I asked him while looking around.

He pointed at the direction of the bathroom, "It's over there baby, don't take too long okay." I nodded.

Exiting the Bathroom I bumped into the waitress earlier. " Hi, can I ask you something?"

"Hello, sure." I answered to her and trying to be friendly.

"Are you his girlfriend?" she nodded to Lewis' direction.

"Yes I am."

"You're lucky he's good looking and seems to really care a lot about you."

"I know and Thank you."

"I better get going and I'll bring your food in a moment." She tapped my shoulder and left.

Getting back at the table, Lewis immediately interlaced his fingers with mine, I felt tingles from his gesture. "Lewis, I like the place and the staff here are very polite and nice. I am glad you brought me here." I whispered to him after leaning forward. This made him smile lazily. "Also glad you like it."

When our food arrived, we started eating. I shared some of my food to Lewis and he did the same. We ordered for desserts after. Once we're done he paid for our food and left.

We visited other food stalls, restaurants and joints , on our last stop in a nice coffee shop where you take photo with your companion with a polaroid camera then attached it to a string in the corner of the shop. It's very sweet actually. 

While Lewis was ordering his coffee and my tea, somebody approached our table. Looking up, I was greeted by a nice smile from a brunette guy. "Hi there, do you mind if I buy you a coffee and invite you to my table over there."

If I am right this is what they call a guy trying to flirt or pick you up but I believe flirting back if you are in a relationship is just being disrespectful to yourself and especially to your partner. I declined his offer politely.

"I'm sorry but i'm not alone. I am here with my boyfriend and i'm afraid I have to refuse your offer. Thank you though."

"It's okay." With that he returned to his table.

After the food trip or I preffer to call it pigging trip, Lewis dropped me home. Before getting out of the car he grabbed my hand. "Hey Minji, I hope you enjoyed the date."

"I know i'm new to this and this is my first time going out as a girlfriend. I apprecaite the fact that you brought me to places that are important to you." I held his hand tighter.

"Minji, I'd like to try something but if it gets uncomfortable tell me then I'll stop, okay." I agreed.

Leaning forward he kissed my lips and I kissed back. I thought that is all that's gonna happen until he licked my lips. At first I thought he just want to lick my lips but when he tried again I knew he want something but before I can ask he held my waist tighter, startling me. He then plunged his tongue inside my mouth, licking everywhere. This made me feel dizzy but I liked it.  Thinking to myself, how many more first time will Lewis let me experience.

A/N: First date as lovers and no drama. I like it that both of them treat their relationship with respect. Anyway, if you have questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to comment. Also please vote and share this story. Lots of love <3

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