Chapter 11 - Getting my game up

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Minji'a POV

I woke up with a gurgling stomach, I felt sick  and I wanted to puke. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, its been only 2 hours since I fell alseep. I kicked the covers of my bed and made my way to my bathroom. I tapped the switch on and let the light flooded my sight. I checked myself in the mirror, I'm a bit pale with beads of sweat decorating my forehead. I rummaged through the medicine cabinet for some medicine but I can't find it. I am tempted to wake In-ha to borrow some medicine but protested against it, I don't want to hear her whining. I went downstairs through the living room and to the small table near the front door. I grabbed the keys of my white  Montero sport 2014 car. Yes I prefer spacious car and this SUV type of car that can cater 5-6 people is just to my liking. Getting inside the car, careful not to aggravate my already twisting stomach, I drove to the drugstore 30 minutes away from my house, once I reached my destination, I hastily trotted inside and to the pharmacist. 

"Hi, can you give me something for my upset stomach and bottled water please." I said to her while.

She then gave me the things I asked her, I paid for it and left. I waited in my car for a few minutes to let the drug takes it effect. Once the pain subsided, I turned my car on to drive back home. Simple, right but driving back and not recognizing the road sucks. I don't want to use GPS, i don't like it when a machine orders me what to do. Yes i'm stubborn, so what.

"ah, jenjang!" (ah, damnit)

 Taking a turn into a dark road with a single light post to illuminate it, I noticed something or someone leaning against the post. Driving slowly and squinting my eyes, I recognized the shirt and the hair then it hits me. Lewis Scotte, he looks like road kill, I should have ignored him but I remembered his parents, his loving parents. I stopped the car went infront of him. I shook him to make sure his still alive. I helped him inside my car and drove to a hospital, this time I used my GPS.

While he was being treated in the ER, the docter talked to me.

"Hello doctor, how is Lewis?"

"He is badly beaten, he has a concussion, bruises in his face and stomach. He has broken ribs, cracked femur and sprained wrist. Other than that he is fine, nothing to seroius."  He smiled at me.

"Thank you doctor, I better call his parents."

I dialled In-ha's number and instructed her to tell Thomas and Lewis' parents that he is in the hospital. She kept asking me what happened but shrugged her off. There are far more important things than asking me 20 questions here. I went inside his room, I saw him drifting in and out of consciousness. I tucked him in and he was out like a light bulb.

I stayed with him in the hospital since his parents are out of town and not yet back. I asked In-ha if she can bring with her the legal documents and my laptop. Since I find the silence in the hospital comfortable, better make use of the opportunity to do some work.

It was early in the morning when I saw Lewis stirring in his sleep. He fluttered his eyes open and focused on where I am sitting.

"You're awake, it's good to know your are still able to suck in air. I called your parents, they will be here any moment now. Go back to sleep, you need to rest." I instructed to him.

Lewis' POV

I felt somehow happy that she's paying attention at me. I mean if in normal situation, I know she woundn't care. Yes she is cold but she doesn't like wasting time. I thanked her and the door bursted open. I saw my worried mother and a very not so happy father. I groaned internally.

He went to Minji and thanked her, she nodded, picked her stuff and left. I felt lonely all of the sudden. My father stalked towards me, his forehead with deep creases. I can see his very disappointed at me. I told him everything, the brunette and his violent boyfriend. How Minji found me and brought me in the hospital.

"Lewis, son I am glad you are alright but you must realize that you are not a kid anymore. You are about to become an adult and men don't do reckless things. They have to think of the consequences of their actions. I hope and I pray this never happens again." I am ashamed of myself, sad for my mom and sorry for my dad.

Minji visited me from time to time until I am released from the hospital. My dad gave me a cold shoulder and my mom is always sad. Maybe she thought she have done something wrong in raising me. 

I was sitting in patio of my house when an unexpected person came to greet me.

"I know that look, you look empty Lewis."

"Hello to you too Minji, I know I look crappy. It's eating me up inside what I made my mom feel, my dad is ignoring, and I can't function properly because I ache everywhere!" By the time I am done, I was panting. I then realized i was shouting at her but she doesn't seem to be affected though.

"I'm sorry Minji, I didn't mean to snap at you, It's jus...."

"Good, let it all out. If you feel something don't bottle it up, I've seen worst. You need to pick your self up, it's just another chapter of your life not a period. Yes you have flaws and committed mistakes, your a young hormonal fool who likes to mess around and do stupid things without regard but so what. Charge it to experience." She told me with a straight face.

"Are you giving me a pep talk or trying to insult me?" I teased her. She smiled at me, wait she smiled at me. The icy Minji smiled at me and I liked it. I don't want anybody else to see that. Her smile was soft and has a relaxing effect on me.

"Your finally in your game zone, patch things up with your parents. Start from there and if you hit a dead end, I may not seem to act like it but you can count on me." She turned to leave but called I her attention.

"I'm taking your word for it, don't regret it later on." I shouted at her. She waved her hand still walking away from me.

I askedmy parents to sit down and have a talk with me.I apologized to them and will change for the better not just for them but suprisingly for Minji too. My dad smiled at me. " Finally, you woke up on your own, your gonna do good son." My mum hugged and kissed my head.

One thing is bugging me though what does Minji mean when she said she have seen worst?

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