Chapter 13 - Love is Blowing

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Photo taken by Lewis while Minji is reading in the parking lot.

Lewis' POV

For the past few days since Minji visited me in my house, I can't shake the feeling that I wanted more from her. I want her attention, to look at me or just even  her presence. I want all of her, I know it's not lust because I have felt what lust before. I'm glad that whenever I talked with her she's not ignoring me and cared enough to respond to me. 

While sitting in the stadium watching the game unfold before my eyes, I have not expected the both of them to be so good at basketball. I was always in the edge when Minji is holding the ball or whenever the  opposing player lunged at her. Her shooting the ball and scoring for the team made my heart swell, I guess i'm proud of my girl. Yes, I just called her my girl and I like the sound of it. Her sweat glistening in her forehead, arms and legs, the way her body moved as if dancing in the game court, she looks so beautiful. God, I sound like a pervert  but I'm not the only one droolig here. Thomas in my side can't stop howling and shouting cheering for In-ha.

I heard a guy sitting below us. " Those china dolls are something, I thought watching basketball with female players will be boring but I stand corrected. I like number 9, she's cute and bubbly." They are talking about In-ah, I tapped Thomas' shoulder and pointed at the guy. I told him what he said and this got Thomas to turn red. The guy with black short hair faced his friend and said something about Minji.

"Number 17 wasn't so bad either. She's pretty even if she doesn't smile a lot but I like the mysterious type of girl." He commented still staring at Minji. This stupid idiot should stop staring at her, she's not even chinese, she's from South Korea for heaven's sake. I'm not really comfortable seeing other guys watching Minji. I controlled myself from bursting, besides I'm here to cheer for her not to choke a guy.

As Minji shoot from the three pointer, I was about to shout when the black haired guy beats me to it. "Alright number 17, your doing great baby keep it up!"

What?! did he just called Minji baby? I haven't even given her a nickname and he just decided to call her baby! That's it I hate this guy!

After the game I rushed to Minji, how can she look so good even if she's just drinking water. I hugged her and held her in my arms. The guy from earlier complemented her but she didn't pay much attention, much to my glee.

While in the car, I saw her open her phone, she visibly tense but she masked it as if nothing happened. Dropping them off in their house, I was tempted to hug her again but I controlled myself. I don't want to freak her out.

Getting home, I took a shower, brushed and flossed my teeth, got dressed for bed. Settling in my bed, I kept thinking why I reacted that way when the guy tried to hit on Minji. I was about to close my eyes when a conclusion jolted me to a sitting position. At first it was just curiosity, then I wanted to know her. I am aware that I am interested in her but now I think I like her. I smiled to myself, shook my head, "I like her, I LIKE Minji."

Walking in the parking area, I saw Minji sitting in her car, doors are open and she's reading something. I can't read it since it is in korean. Her face is really peaceful and angelic, unlike most of the girls I know she does'nt wear any make up, light maybe but barely visible. I took out my phone and took a picture of her. I went to stand infront of her then she greeted me without looking away from the paper she is reading. "Good morning Lewis, you look awfully giddy today?"

You have no idea, I kept to mself.

"Hello Minji, what are you reading so early in the morning?" I leaned towards her just as she looked up and our faces are inches away from each other. I looked away feeling my ears getting red, good thing she didn't notice.

"Market exchange in Korea, secretary Park emailed it to me last night."

"Wow, You really are hands on to your family business huh." I inquired at her.

"Yes, as much chance as possible. My grandma isn't getting any younger and I don't like seeing her stressed out. Business is a tricky and a messy world."

You can really feel how serious Minji is when talking about the life she left in Korea. 

"What is your business anyway?"

"Hotels, restaurants and others. We also take part in Korean airlines." She explained and nodded her head at me.

Now i'm really impressed, she's talking as if it's not of a big deal but this girl is rich, I feel even intimidated right now. A loud bang caught our attention and saw In-ha rushing out of the school building. 

"Minji, have you heard? Daemul (big shot) is back and his travelling here to visit us. Did he call you? He's finally back, i'm so excited right now." She beamed at us.

I don't know who this Daemul guy is but i'm sure he's someone important to these two. And I have a feeling that he is gonna complicate things between Minji and I, just a feeling though.

Minji's phone rang, she held the screen to In-ha and her face brighten. Minji answered the phone, she pressed the loud speaker mode. "Yah Daemul! Odae ga?"  (Hey big shot, where are you?)

A deep and happy voice answered. "You're still calling me that? Minji ssi, how in the world did halmuhni managed to sent you abroad without a struggle? I'm still here in Seoul, need to report to halmuhni first." Minji smiled at her phone, I felt my heart constricted. His mere voice and teasing made her smile.

"Deamul, when are you coming to LA? You better bring kimchi with you, i'm craving for it." In-ha interjected.

"Hey your the maknae here and your ordering your elders around?" He said with amusement in his voice. "I'll be there soon and we are going have fun just like old days."

"Bo go shi paw, Minji ssi. Daeumeh bwayo." (I miss you, Minji. See you soon)

"Nado" (me too). She said before ending the call.


Kimchi is a korean spicy pickled radish.

Okay who is this Daemul guy and who is Minji to him?

Guys please comment or vote, I wanna hear your thought about the book and takes for sparing some time to read Heiress of the Century.

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