Chapter 18 - Who?

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Picture of Lee Woo young / Daemul / Oppa visiting Minji in the hospital <3

Minji's POV

I am aware that I have poked Kyung chul so many times and it's just a matter of time before he exploded but I never thought he would send someone to clear me out of the table. Sneaky monkey, if he wants to dominate in Hwang empire that's where he is wrong as long as I am here I will always hinder his plans.

Thinking of others things, my mind drifted to the kiss I shared with Lewis, the way he pressed his soft lips over mine, the way it made my heart thump and the only sound I heard during that moment. Unconsciously I touched my lips and was surprised to feel a smile on my face. What is he doing to me?

Doing my business in the bathroom, I find it hard to move around with an injured hand tucked in an arm sling. I removed it and stretched my arm. To tell the truth I got permission from the doctor not to use the sling but seeing Lewis is really into helping me with everyting and I am enjoying it, I pretended. Putting it back on, I got out of the bathroom and sat on my bed ready to lie down. Skimming through the channels my door opened, thinking it was Lewis I peaked at the door. Who I saw was difinitely not Lewis, he made his way towards me and took the seat near my bed and smiled at me.

"Dangsin -eun yeogiseo mwohaneungeoya?(what are you doing here) I asked him adjusting in my bed.

"Nan danhsin-eulbogo wass-eoyo." (i'm here to see you)

"Oppa (brother/boyfriend) , Did you finish everything in Seoul before coming here? I thought you will not be arriving for another 5 days." I directed at him. He gave me a serious look.

"Ofcourse, we both know that you will fry me if I did it the other way around." He said standing up and hugging me tight. I gripped on his shirt and closed my eyes.

"Did what happened to you triggered any nightmares about the past?" He touched the top of my head like i'm some kind of a dog.

"No, I have good friends here. They keep me distracted." I smiled at him.

"Friends? Hwang Minji you have friends now? Impressive!"  He exclaimed while clapping his hand.

"Shut up, it took a while for me to warm up to them." He's playful demeanor was replaced of seriousness.

"We are aware that Kyung chul is behind the attack to you and In-ah but halmuhni can't act upon it without any evidence"

"Yes, I know. Sooner or later he will reveal himself if we pinch him further and after that I will see to myself that he will pay dearly."

"You are one scary kid you know that but cute anyway." He pinched my face and strecthing it.

"Geugeos-eun, Apayo jungji." (stop it, it hurts) I was struggling against his hold when people barge inside my room.

"Sesang-eo! Daemul!" (Oh my god, big shot) In-ha came running and hugged Woo Young. I saw Thomas clenched his jaw and upon meeting Lewis eyes he looked down.

"It's good to see you're alright In-ha and who are these guys?" turning to the guys he extented his hand.

"Hello, I'm Lee Woo young, I grew up with this two. You must be the friends Minji mentioned, Thank you for looking after them." Woo young bowed his head as a sign of respect and appreciation.

The entire time they visited me, Lewis was being awkward and every time Woo young would act silly towards me he would glare at him. Does he think there is something betwen me and Woo young? Well he's wrong, I have never been interested in the opposite gender up until now and I only felt it towards him. Yes, I had my doubts after seeing his records when it comes to girls but he changed not only in words but in action. After the kiss we shared, it may have been sudden but It made me happy.

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