Chapter 8: The Knife named Secret, & the Miracle named Truth

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After everyone had seated, Aizawa began speaking.

'I saw the footage for battle training.' he said plainly. 'That reminds me; Midoriya...'

Midoriya's eyes snapped to attention.

'Next time you're allowed to hold back... This should be something you need to learn... A hero who can't hold back on villains is as good as them...'

Well said. Midoriya thought. Midoriya gave him a confirming nod, allowing Aizawa to continue with the class.

'Today you will be picking a class representative for your homeroom activities.'

The class became restless as a spider would when disturbed. Everyone began to raise their hands into the air and demand that they were to fill this role.

'Please, silence everyone!' Iida's voice cut through the room. He went on to explain the immaculate cores of being in this role, before proposing that they held a vote to determine the representative. It was pointed out that they didn't know each other that well, and because of that, the chances for everyone to vote for themselves would be high, resulting in some sort of standstill. The person who had the most collective votes would be the one to take charge of the role.

Aizawa was fine with whatever they did, as long as they did it before the end of homeroom.

It was settled. Or was nearly settled.

'What makes you think that we should let Deku have a say in this...' Bakugou sneered.

The eyes in the room — except for Aizawa's sleeping ones — looked at Bakugou.

'If it wasn't obvious already, Deku can look inside peoples' heads... If he could trick me into believing he was quirkless for a whole year, then you're all more idiotic than I thought you were...'

Some got a little angry at Bakugou, but the message still settled. Now that they knew, and now that they knew that Midoriya could have more tricks up his sleeve, they weren't feeling the most inclusive.

'Are we going to have our vote, or not?' asked Midoriya, loud enough so everyone could hear. 'It would be obvious if there was a surprising amount of votes, and if it really mattered to you, we could make a rule where everyone has to say who they voted for...' Midoriya was smiling bitterly.

The silence continued the room until Iida spoke out again.

'Everyone! Please do not disrespect a fellow classmate like this! He is trying to be a hero just as hard as we all are!'

'How do we know that?!' squeaked a little purple-shithead. 'We don't know what he did that day!'

'All he did was make me see and experience fake imagery!' continued Iida. 'It was me who ran into the wall... And besides that, my nose has all healed — I wasn't running that hard, because there was nothing to run from!'

Some heads began to nod or dip in silent agreement or contemplation.

'You didn't see what happened to Bakugou, Iida.' said Tsuyu. 'Bakugou was left in tears after his encounter with Midoriya.'

Iida sweated a little.

Midoriya could feel Uraraka's gaze on his back. He felt like he betrayed someone. The double-edged blade of the knife named "secret".

'This is ridiculous.' said Midoriya. 'You all want to be heroes— take a look at me, for once! You don't know anything about me or each other... It hasn't even been a week and you're pointing fingers at me... If we're going to vote, we might as well get to know each other a bit more... I don't care if any of you bother to "confront me"... Being left alone is better than being bullied by wannabe heroes...'

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