Chapter 2: Pardon the Intrusion

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Uraraka could see now; light filtered through her eyelids as if it was water through fingers.  She opened her eyes to see the boy's eyes, staring back at hers. His gaze looked like it was searching — grasping — for something. She felt that smile again, at the tip of her mind, falling close to being more of a frown than a smile. It was a serious smile. Leaving her dazed l daze, the boy had the smile to match the one, internal.

Maybe it's his quirk? she thought.

His eyes hadn't acknowledged hers, not the same as she had. They continued their search in that timeless moment.

The eyes found it.

She could feel a grasp, in her mind, she could feel the fear she had felt before; the dire want for escape.

'Close your eyes please.' the boy asked. The feast didn't leave, but she wasn't going to refuse.

I really am gonna die!

She complied, shutting her eyes and waiting for the grinding of the bears to consume her.

Maybe he can't save me!

The weight shifted, almost seeming to drop back onto her.

I can't believe I'm gonna die in the arms of this—

She squinted her eyes; now being held by someone as they rushed her somewhere. Opening her eyes more, she could see that she was now out of the dust made by the zero-pointer. The person was carrying them to more students who were watching from afar in awe at whatever was behind the figure carrying her. Some of the other students were looking at her, or her saviour. She took a look at his face; her memory was a little foggy. The boy's face was distracted again, no longer looking at her and on the path ahead. Every second or so his gaze would flick to another person nearby. The greenette stumbled to a stop and placed left her in the air, walking around her and out of Uraraka's sight. Looking at his back, she forgot her mouth; not saying a "thank you" or anything for that matter. It took a moment to realise, but she had somehow used her quirk on herself. Placing her hands together, she said "release" and was greeted a unison gasp that voiced to her ears. She looked at the people around her now, all still looking at whatever was behind her. When she looked too; she flinched at the large crash the humongous zero-pointer made as it pummeled the road; a surge of dust blew through the street.

The zero-pointer lay among its fallen comrades scrapped and scraped in metal corpses. She had gotten enough points to get her to pass, she thought... She never remembered using her quirk on the zero-pointer however...

The boy!

The boy was now gone, leaving her to the mercy of the examinees' stares. Some had begun to catch on to what had happened and were giving her hard cold stares. She doubted any had seen what had happened and she doubted that anyone would believe that she "didn't do it".

An old woman walked through the sparse crowd of students, offering small candies to some and eventually getting to Uraraka. Recovery Girl offered her some, to frail to help her up. Recovery Girl was an invaluable asset to UA. Her quirk could heal anyone at the cost of her stamina, as long as she gave them a kiss.

Uraraka's mind went back to the boy, now further away and turning his back to her. She had glimpsed his gaze before he continued on towards the exit/entrance of the arena.

She would have to talk to him later.

≈ θ ≈

Bakugou had smashed through the exam, ranking the best out of anyone. By the end of it, he was grinning; glad to lay off some steam. That Midoriya was pissing him off.

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