Chapter 13

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"First jumper, in the ring. Now." I stopped punching the giant punching bag and turned around, seeing Eric standing right in front of the ring. Before I could walk to the ring, Four stepped in front of me and faced Eric, "They aren't ready for fighting, it's only the second day Eric. They are going to get hurt." Maybe everyone else isn't ready Four, but I know I'm ready. I tapped him on the shoulder so he would look at me, "It's fine Four, I can fight." Eric chuckled deeply once I finished speaking. "You heard her Four. It's fine." Do these two not like each other? Didn't they go through initiation together, I mean shouldn't they be a lot nicer to each other? After a moment of hesitation, Four moved out of my way so I could continue making my way into the ring. "First Dauntless born jumper, in the ring." Seeing Tom step onto the mat made my heart drop a bit. This is a guy I consider one of my friends and now I have to fight him. He smiled at me before getting into the fighting position, "Rules to the fight are that there are no rules. You keep fighting until one of you can't fight anymore or until we stop the fight. These fights will be ranked so try not to suck at them." Gee, thanks for the encouragement Mr. Always Grumpy.

I got in the fighting position and stared directly at Tom, "Don't go easy on me, okay?" He winked at me. "Believe me, I won't," I mumbled to myself and made the first move. Now usually I would never do that, making the first move is a rookie mistake, however, Tom doesn't know that I'm not a rookie so I can use this to my advantage. As I almost made contact with his face, he grabbed my fist, turned me around, and threw me to the ground. I stayed on the ground and looked at Eric, he looked so confused as to why I wasn't beating the shit out of him, all I did was smirk at him when I heard Tom getting closer to me. I turned my body around quickly, bringing my leg out, tripping Tom in the process, and getting up so I could pin him down. The look on his face was priceless when I pinned his arms down with my knees and started punching him in the face. What caught me by a surprise was when he wrapped his legs around my throat and somehow managed to slam me down onto my back, causing me to groan from the impact, and giving Tom the chance to stand up so he could beat me. Before he could get the chance to pin me down, I used my strength to roll onto my feet and stand up, getting a look at Tom, his nose was bleeding, and judging by the fact that he could barely stand, I had the upper hand in this fight. Tom started punching and kicking, but everything that he did, I blocked with ease, everything he was doing was getting sloppy so I tackled him down and punched him. He slammed his hand down on the mat, symbolizing that he was done, "Alright Ash, get off of him and take him to the infirmary." Four called out. I got off of Tom and helped him up, "Sorry about that." Even after he lost that fight, he still smiled at me. "It's all good, you fight really well." I helped him off the mat so we could go to the infirmary, "Ash." Eric stopped me from walking out with Tom. I partially faced him so I could finish this conversation quickly, "Did you just apologize for winning a fight?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well I did just beat the shit out of my friend." He shook his head at me. "Rule number one, never apologize for winning a fight. Friends or not. You will get points taken away from your score." Without saying a word to him, I turned around and walked out of the room, not wanting to have this or any conversation with him.

When Tom and I made it to the infirmary, he was instantly taken to the back, the nurse said something about this not being the first time initiates have come here on the first day of fighting. The nurse sat Tom down on the hospital looking bed and wiped the blood off his face and checked his nose, "Tom, don't tell me she kicked your ass in this fight?" I scrunched my face in confusion. "She knows you?" I asked Tom, who was now in the process of stopping his nose from bleeding with a towel. "You would be surprised how many times I have been here." I could only imagine the fights Tom has been in. "When his nose stops bleeding, put the ice pack on his nose. They are right over there. Also, nice job on kicking this one's ass." The nurse looked to be in her early forties and for an older woman, she was still rocking the skin-tight black clothes. In Erudite, anyone who worked in the medical field wore scrubs, Dauntless does everything different here, "Ha ha ha, very funny Denise." Denise laughed as she walked out of the room, leaving us in here to wait. My eyes traveled around the infirmary and it confused me a bit; it was open, there were no separate rooms, and it wasn't lit up at all. I'm used to the way it looks at Erudite; everyone has dressed appropriately, there are more than five beds, everyone got their own room, the only reason I know this is because I made my mother let me spend two months as an intern in the medical department. I was fourteen and I was already more skilled than some of the nurses who have been working there for a few years, well that's what the head nurse said.

"Geez, for a person who has never fought before, you sure can throw a punch." I chuckled and walked over to Tom. "Let me check that." I slowly tipped his head back down and removed the towel. I waited to see if any blood was going to drip from his nose and when I noticed that none was, I walked over to where Denise told me the ice packs were and grabbed one. "Keep this on the bridge of your nose, it will help with the swelling, and then after twenty minutes take it off for a bit." The doors to the infirmary opened up and in walked Four. "The nurse said Tom should be fine for training tomorrow, she just said that you were very close to severely breaking it." Good thing I didn't because I would've been really upset if I did. "You two can return to the dorms or wherever, your training for today is over." With that, Tom got off the bed and walked out of the infirmary, with me following behind him. Tom and I hung out in the dormitory while we waited for everyone to get back from training, we were telling stories from when we were younger and he asked me what it was like living in Erudite. He also asked me why I left, so I just told him that it was no longer feeling like home to me and that I needed to get out of there, you know, complete bullshit.

One by one, everyone slowly made their way back to the dormitory, and Sonja practically threw her sweaty self on top of me because of exhaustion, "Body hurts. Must sleep." I pushed her off of me and her body fell to the floor in a loud thud, but she never got up, she did however groan from the pain. "Why did you do that to me?" Sonja asked. "You reek of sweat also if you shower and get changed we can go get food then if we have time, maybe check out the clothing stores." She jumped up so fast that she almost gave me whiplash. She ran over to the showers, which was also occupied by other initiates, and went to do her business. I give this girl props, she didn't care if anyone saw her naked, the majority of the girls had other girls hold towels around them so the guys wouldn't see their bodies, that is the main reason why I shower before my first set of training. "Can we join you guys?!" I shook my head at Jordan. "Girls night. Sorry that I'm not sorry boys."

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