Chapter 1

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They say that for the Choosing Ceremony, we get to choose whatever faction we want, we choose where we want to be for the rest of our lives. They also say to choose the faction that our test results come up as, but it's just a suggestion because, in the end, no one can tell you what to do.
Sadly, it's the other way around for me, my mother knew where she wanted me to go from the beginning because I fit perfectly in her little plan to overthrow Abnegation. She's been talking about it for years, planning it for years, and making me train for years. My name is Sasha Matthews, when I was a baby I was placed on the steps of the Erudite compound when Jeanine Matthews took me in and raised me as her own, I don't know who my family is and I honestly never want to after what they did.
My home is Erudite, but soon I will be placed into Dauntless to help my mother overthrow Abnegation, she has been making me train so I can fit right into Dauntless and become one of the leaders in their compound. I love my mother so much, people are always saying that she is such a scary person, which is true, but she always knew when to have fun with me.
When I was five she would work in the lab and let me help her conduct fake experiments with her workers, they always went along with it to make me smile, or sometimes her assistant Damion and I would play hide and seek around the compound while mother was doing business, but sometimes she would join us. Damion is like my older brother, we are so close almost inseparable, he is twelve years older than me, brown side-swept hair, hazel eyes that seem to sparkle against the thick black-rimmed glasses he always wore, he was an Amity transfer oddly enough.
The thing is that you can tell he was from Amity, because he had such a big heart especially towards me, when I was younger he would buy me a stuffed animal or a toy and bring it to me. What happens when I go to Dauntless? Will Damion still want to talk to me, will we be able to talk? I mean I know they say "Faction before blood," but is it going to be different since my mother and Dauntless are so connected?
Another thing about me is that I don't even want to be in Dauntless, if anything Dauntless would my last choice for a faction. As I got older, Dauntless was growing to be the last place I would go, but I wanted to make my mom proud.
After everything she has done for me, that's the least I can do for her besides she has every right to overthrow Abnegation, I do believe that Erudite deserves to be the leading faction and I also believe they are harboring Divergents, but I don't think that they are a threat to the system. Just because you can fit into multiple factions doesn't make you a threat, if anything it should make you gifted.
The aptitude test is tomorrow and even though I know what my test result is going to be, I am hoping that it could be something else just to have the satisfaction of knowing where I actually belong.

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