Chapter 3

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I woke up in a different room, all it had were mirrors, no window or doors, but it had two bowls. One with meat and the other one with a knife, "Choose." The voice echoed and bounced off the mirrors. "Excuse me?" "Choose." It echoed again and before I could even hesitate I grabbed the knife.
I heard a low growl come from behind me, I turned around to see a dog, looked more like a beast from how it was showing its teeth, the dog lunged out at me so I took my knife and slashed a clean quick line into the rabid animal. I heard it fall down to the floor with a thud and the scene changed, I was at a train stop, it's only me and an old man.
He held a newspaper in his hands and I read the held line on the top of the paper, "Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended!" Brutal? I don't like the sound of that. The old man held the paper and looked over at me in a complete panic, "Have you seen this man?!" He practically shoved the paper in my face so I can see the man's face. I've never seen his face before, "I don't know who he is." The old man shook his head at me.
"It doesn't matter if you don't know him, I asked if you've seen him!" My blood started to boil from him yelling at me, but I wasn't going to yell at him. "Listen, I told you I don't know him and I've never seen him before in my life." The old man grabbed my arm hard. "I know you've seen this man! You're lying to me!" Just then I heard gunshots go off.
I whipped my head towards where they were coming from, it was the man from the paper, he pointed his gun towards me although it wasn't for me, it was for the old man. I knew what he was going to do and I wasn't going to let it happen, I ripped my arm from the old man's grasp, before sprinting towards the guy with the gun.
I made sure to run from side to side so the bullet wouldn't hit me, it would be stupid to run straight towards someone with an armed weapon. Before he pulled the trigger, I grabbed the barrel of it, turned to the side of it, and twisted it out of his hands making the man stumble for it bit. I took the back of the gun and hit him in the head, just right above the nose to knock him out cold.

I felt myself leap forward in the chair, and Tasha's hand was there to stop me from going further, "Let's get you out of here." She pulled the electrodes. "Why what happened?" She pulled me out of the chair walked me to the front door.
"Listen, I'm going to need you to lie right through your teeth with this one okay?" I was confused, but I nodded my head. "Okay, but what happened? What was my result?" Her hard blue eyes softened a little bit. "You got Dauntless, Amity, and Erudite." "How did I get Amity? That doesn't make sense." She placed her hand on my shoulder and sighed.
"It was a small percentage, but it got picked up in the system. I'm going to put your results as Erudite and-" I cut her off by shaking my head. "No, put in Dauntless my mother won't get suspicious if you put that as my result." She was confused, but she nodded her head. She pushed me out the door so I can look like nothing happened, "Good luck Erudite."
I nodded my head and followed the group of kids out of the hallway. Me, divergent? The daughter of Jeanine Matthews, who wants every single Divergent in Chicago dead, is now her enemy? I know Tasha said that it was a small portion, but I got Amity, Damion's home faction. That brought some comfort to my uneasy stomach and I walked out of the cafeteria after grabbing my backpack. "Took you long enough Sunshine, I was about to go in there and see if everything was alright."
Seeing his face and hearing his voice really calmed my nerves. "You do realize how many eighteen year old's are taking this test for tomorrow right?" "Roughly eleven point nine percent of eighteen year old's." (Yes I did some math on that one) I pushed him a little bit and laughed. "Don't get all technical with me, I was just asking a sarcastic question."
He laughed at me and rolled his eyes. "You asked an Erudite a question, it would be a crime to not answer it. Now let's go, you have some training to do." "You're such a buzz kill sometimes Damion." He rolled his eyes and we walked to the car so we can drive back to the Erudite compound.

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